Разделы презентаций

Sentences with There is… There are…

Phonetic Drill

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1
Sentences with
There is… There are…

Sentences withThere is… There are…

Слайд 2
Phonetic Drill

Phonetic Drill

Слайд 3Read the words



Read the wordstherethistherefatherbrotherthinkthickthinthemetheatre

Слайд 4Read the sentences
This is my father.
And this is my brother.

Read the sentencesThis is my father.And this is my brother.

Слайд 5There is… There are…

1) There is a Teddy Bear in

the box.
В коробке находится медвежонок.

2) There are Teddy Bears in

the box.
В коробке находятся медвежата.

There is… There are…1) There is a Teddy Bear in the box.В коробке находится медвежонок.2) There are

Слайд 6Make up sentences

Make up sentences

Слайд 7There is...
There is a boy on the floor.

There is... There is a boy on the floor.

Слайд 8Is there?..
Is there a boy on the floor?


there is.

Is there?..Is there a boy on the floor?  Yes, there is.

Слайд 9Is there?..
Is there a girl at the

No, there isn’t.

Is there?..Is there a girl at the table?    No, there isn’t.

Слайд 10There are…
There are boys on the floor.

There are… There are boys on the floor.

Слайд 11Are there?..
Are there boys on the floor?

Yes, there are.

Are there?..Are there boys on the floor?Yes, there are.

Слайд 12Are there?..
Are there girls at the table?

No, there aren’t.

Are there?..Are there girls at the table?No, there aren’t.

Слайд 13Make up interrogative sentences

There is a doll on the table.

are three pictures on the wall.
There is a pupil at

the blackboard.
There are books in the bag.
Make up interrogative sentencesThere is a doll on the table.There are three pictures on the wall.There is

Слайд 14Let’s practice

is not = isn’t

Are not = aren’t

Let’s practice is not = isn’t Are not = aren’t

Слайд 15There is…

There is a boy at the blackboard.

There is… There is a boy at the blackboard.

Слайд 16There isn’t…
There isn’t a girl at the blackboard.

There isn’t… There isn’t a girl at the blackboard.

Слайд 17There are…
There are boys at the blackboard.

There are…There are boys at the blackboard.

Слайд 18There aren’t…
There aren’t girls at the blackboard.

There aren’t…There aren’t girls at the blackboard.

Слайд 19Make up negative sentences

There is a bag on the floor.

are two pens in the box.
There is a red house

in the street.
There are my parents in the hall.
Make up negative sentencesThere is a bag on the floor.There are two pens in the box.There is

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