Разделы презентаций

Shopping for clothes 4 класс

Imagine you’re in the shop. One of you is a shop assistant and another is a shopper. Make you own dialogue and then act out it.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Next week I’ll go to the birthday party to my

friend. But I haven’t got any dress. What can I

Next week I’ll go to the birthday party to my friend. But I haven’t got any dress.

Слайд 4Imagine you’re in the shop. One of you is a

shop assistant and another is a shopper.
Make you own

dialogue and then act out it.
Imagine you’re in the shop. One of you is a shop assistant and another is a shopper.

Слайд 5To present your project you can use the following sentences:


In winter we can put on….
- When the weather is

hot and sunny we can put on….
- For a birthday party we can …..
-When we go to school we put on…….

To present your project you can use the following sentences:- In winter we can put on….- When

Слайд 6



Workbook, p.47 ex.1,2,3
2) Lean new words by heart.

Слайд 7


the sentences:
Today I have learnt …. .
I know how to speak about ….. .
Now I can ……………………

Слайд 8



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