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Шотландия 7-8 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №3

им. В.Н. Щеголева городского округа закрытого административно

- территориального образования Светлый Саратовской области»

Презентация к уроку по теме «Шотландия»

Автор: учитель английского языка
Галушко Ирина Михайловна

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение «Средняя     общеобразовательная школа №3 им. В.Н. Щеголева

Слайд 2Scotland


Слайд 3Fact File
Position: in the north of Great Britain
Population: over

Area: over 81.000 sq. km
Surface: mountinous in the

low and flat in the south
Highest point: Ben Nevis/1343m/
Longest river: the Clyde/90km/
Largest lake: Lomond
Principal industries: ship-building, oil
industry,iron and steel, heavy
and light engineering
Fact  FilePosition: in the north of Great BritainPopulation: over 5mln Area: over 81.000 sq. km Surface:

Слайд 4Edinburgh is the capital of
Scotland since the 15th
century.It isn’t very

(The largest city is Glasgow).
Edinburgh is famous for its Festival

of Music and
Drama.It is the main centre of chemical and rubber production.Baking,
milling,printing industries are highly developed.
The symbol of Edinburgh is the
Rock on which the Castle stands.

Capital City

Edinburgh is the capital ofScotland since the 15thcentury.It isn’t very large.(The largest city is Glasgow).Edinburgh is famous

Слайд 5The thistle is the Scottish national emblem.
It saved the land

foreign invaders many
years ago.
During a surprise night attack

the Scottish soldiers were
awaken by the shouts of the
invaders as their bare feet
touched the thorns of the
thistles in the field which
they crossed.

National Emblem

The thistle is the Scottish national emblem.It saved the land from	foreign invaders many	years ago.During a surprise night

Слайд 6Traditions
Scotland is known to the world because of its traditional

costume, the kilt. It is a short skirt, worn as

a part of dress for men. It was the dress of the old-time Highlanders.

TraditionsScotland is known to the world because of its traditional costume, the kilt. It is a short

Слайд 7 The national sport of Scotland is

Golf originated in this country.
The Highlanders

are fond of Highland
Games.The Scots who take part in the
Games do things like Throwing the
Hammer or Tossing the Caber.The hammer is very heavy,the caber is like a telegraph
The national sport of Scotland is golf.Golf originated in this country.

Слайд 8 It is a very famous lake

in the north of Scotland. The water in it is

dark and always very cold.
The lake is full of fish.
There are many stories about the water monster
«Nessie».Nobody are able to say whether the Loch Ness
Monster is a fact or fiction.

Loch Ness

It is a very famous lake in the north of Scotland. The water

Слайд 9 Robert Burns is a well-
- known and popular

Scottish poet.He began to write poems
at the age

of 15. He
felt the injustice of the
world.The protest is shown in his poems.
Burns loved and under-
stood common people.
The best of his works are written in the language
of his native Scotland.

Famous Scots

Robert Burns is a well- - known and popular Scottish poet.He began to write poems

Слайд 10Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы
http:// scotland.ru/photo/
http:// ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шотландия
http:// poxe.ru/other/1166326410-shotlandskijj-kilt.html‎

Использованные материалы и Интернет-ресурсы http://http://ru.freepik.com/free-photos-vectors/golf-course  http:// scotland.ru/photo/http:// ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Шотландияhttp:// poxe.ru/other/1166326410-shotlandskijj-kilt.html‎

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