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Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Presentation student 9-A class Alyona Bondar

Presentation student 9-A class Alyona Bondar

Слайд 2Starfish


Слайд 3
Starfish - interesting and mysterious animal.

Starfish - interesting and mysterious animal.

Слайд 4
Starfish - a veteran of the seabed, it appeared

over 450 million years ago.

Starfish - a veteran of the seabed, it appeared over 450 million years ago.

Слайд 5
It belongs to a class of echinoderms.

It belongs to a class of echinoderms.

Слайд 6
From the outside it is covered with short needles

or pins.

From the outside it is covered with short needles or pins.

Слайд 7
Every ray of starfish, being separated from her body,

it is viable and quickly regenerates.

Every ray of starfish, being separated from her body, it is viable and quickly regenerates.

Слайд 8
Sea stars are voracious predators, although there are exceptions

in the form of herbivorous species feed on algae.

Sea stars are voracious predators, although there are exceptions in the form of herbivorous species feed

Слайд 9
Some starfish even able to dig up prey that

is hiding in the sand.

Some starfish even able to dig up prey that is hiding in the sand.

Слайд 10Life starfish can reach 30 years.

Life starfish can reach 30 years.

Слайд 11
At present there are about 1,600 species of sea


At present there are about 1,600 species of sea stars.

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