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Tambov during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)

Hypothesis: The contribution of Tambov region in the victory in WWII was invaluable.

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Слайд 1Tambov during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)
Работу выполнил: Никитин Борис

10 «В» класса
МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная
школа № 3 с углублённым

изучением отдельных предметов»
г.Котовска Тамбовской области

Руководитель: Ефремов А.Б.,
учитель английского языка

Tambov during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945)Работу выполнил: Никитин Борисучащийся 10 «В» классаМОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №

Слайд 2Hypothesis:

The contribution of Tambov region in the victory in

WWII was invaluable.

Hypothesis:   The contribution of Tambov region in the victory in WWII was invaluable.

Слайд 3The purpose of the project:
• To represent the contribution

of Tambov in the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

• To perform the knowledge of the English language;
• To create a sense of patriotism among the teenagers.

The purpose of the project: • To represent the contribution of Tambov in the victory in the

Слайд 4The tasks of the project:
To draw attention of the

teenagers to "small homeland" and its contribution to the great

To acquire the skills of literary translation of the text into English;
To make the selection of the most significant material about the participation of Tambov in WWII.
The tasks of the project: To draw attention of the teenagers to

Слайд 5The plan of the research :
1. To collect and

analyze the material about the role of the Tambov region

in the Great Patriotic War.
2. To select the facts and events that reflect the participation of the Tambov region in the war.
3. To find the illustrative material on this topic.
4. To make conclusions of the study.
5. To make a translation of research materials in English.
6. To make a presentation of the research project.
The plan of the research : 1. To collect and analyze the material about the role of

Слайд 6June 22, 1941
At noon on June 22, 1941 Moscow radio

broadcast an emergency message of the government: without the declaration

of war, Germany attacked the USSR. Battles of unprecedented magnitude were held in a huge front from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. The World history did not know battles, equal in scope to what began in summer in 1941 on the Soviet-front.
June 22, 1941At noon on June 22, 1941 Moscow radio broadcast an emergency message of the government:

Слайд 7Tambov mobilized
In Tambov the Town Defense Committee was founded

that concentrated in its hands of all military and civil

authority. All the people rose to defend the homeland.
Tambov region had a large mobilization potential. In the first days of the war the military commissioners received numerous applications from volunteers to send them to the front. With the help of the Communists and Komsomol members the communist battalion was formed which consisted of 500 people and it was sent to the Byelorussian Front. Most of the warriors of the battalion were killed, but at the cost of their lives, they stopped the enemy at his front.

The first day of mobilization in Oktyabrski region of Tambov.

Tambov mobilized In Tambov the Town Defense Committee was founded that concentrated in its hands of all

Слайд 8Tambov mobilized in literature
In Tambov land during the war years

there was a formation of many parts of the Red

Army. Here in autumn of 1941 323, 325 and 331 the infantry divisions were formed which had gone to defend Moscow. Here the 2nd Guards Army was formed in autumn 1942, commanded under Lieutenant General RJ Malinowski who had gone to Stalingrad in December 1942.
The Army played the major role in defeating the Nazi group at Stalingrad. The 2nd Guards Army entered the history of the Great Patriotic War as an army of a breakthrough, as the undefeated army. The famous writer Yuri Bondarev in his novel "Hot Snow" remembered about the days of the army formation in Tambov land.

Tambov mobilized in literatureIn Tambov land during the war years there was a formation of many parts

Слайд 9"Tambov farmer"
In November, 1942, Tambov farmers made a patriotic initiative

to raise funds for the construction of a tank column

"Tambov farmer." 40 million rubles was collected. On December 15, 1942 at the station the Council met the delegations of all 43 districts of Tambov region.
In 1949, one of the armored T-34 tank column "Tambov farmer" was delivered to Tambov and raised on a pedestal of glory as a symbol of heroism, bravery and sacrifice of the Soviet people.

Слайд 10Heroes of Tambov
Tambov people fought on all fronts, both in

the regular Red Army units and in partisan detachments in

the temporarily-occupied territory, in the Resistance movement in Italy, France, Belgium. More than 260 Tambov warriors were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Full Cavalier of the Order of Glory was given more than 50 people.

The monument of Petrov V.S. , the hero of the Soviet Union

The monument of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, the hero of the Soviet Union

Heroes of TambovTambov people fought on all fronts, both in the regular Red Army units and in

Слайд 11Industry and agriculture
In the current military situation, when the Tambov

region had immediate rear of the front, it has increased

its military and economic importance. Production of industrial and agricultural area figured prominently in the economy.
Industrial enterprises of the region started development and production of various types of modern weapons, repairing the equipment. A significant number of workers, retirees have returned to the plants.
Farmers worked tirelessly. The villages had almost no men. Almost all population from children 10-12 years old to 80 years worked in the fields. The working day lasted from sunrise to sunset. Despite all the difficulties of the first war of the summer, in the area gathered a rich harvest, put it on time and without losses.

Industry and agricultureIn the current military situation, when the Tambov region had immediate rear of the front,

Слайд 12Hospitals in Tambov
Tambov had shown a great care for the

wounded residents, evacuees, orphans. Due to the proximity of the

front Tambov region has become the location of hospitals the first line. In early July in 1941 Tambov received the first wounded. The hospitals were located in the buildings of schools, institutes, health centers. In total there were 47.

Hospitals in TambovTambov had shown a great care for the wounded residents, evacuees, orphans. Due to the

Слайд 13Evacuees
Tambov earth sheltered tens of thousands of evacuees from the

Baltics, Ukraine, Belarus and neighboring areas. Our countrymen are among

the first in the country began the noble cause of creating orphanages for children whose parents were killed at the front.
During the first months of the war in Tambov province arrived 25 orphanages and one orphanage, they were 3200 children. In Tambov the ground they have found kindness and hospitality.

EvacueesTambov earth sheltered tens of thousands of evacuees from the Baltics, Ukraine, Belarus and neighboring areas. Our

Слайд 14Award
The contribution of Tambov in the fight against the

Nazis during the Second World War marked the Decree of

the Presidium of the Supreme Council of 25 April 1961 on awarding the regional center - the city of Tambov - Order of Red Banner of Labor.

Award The contribution of Tambov in the fight against the Nazis during the Second World War marked

Слайд 15Conclusions:
• Tambov was a front-line city, in the region several

armed groups was formed;
• The patriotic initiative of the

Tambov farmers to raise funds for the construction of a tank column "Tambov farmer" was supported in many parts of the Soviet Union;
• 260 Tambov people were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, full gentlemen of the Order of Glory were more than 50 Tambov warriors;
• The current military situation, when the Tambov region had the nearest rear of the front, had increased its military and economic value: products of industry and agriculture area figured prominently in the economy;
• Due to the proximity of the front Tambov region has become the location of hospitals the first line;
• Tambov earth sheltered tens of thousands of evacuees from the Baltic, Ukraine, Belarus and neighboring areas;
• Our countrymen were among the first in the country began the noble cause of creating orphanages for children whose parents were killed at the front;
• The contribution of Tambov in the fight against the Nazis during the Second World War marked the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of 25 April 1961 on awarding the regional center - the city of Tambov - Order of Red Banner of Labor.

Conclusions:• Tambov was a front-line city, in the region several armed groups was formed; • The patriotic

Слайд 16Literature
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LiteratureБаранов, В.П. Люди и память [Текст]: повести, рассказы, очерки / Валентин Баранов. — Тамбов: Изд-во ТГУ им.

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