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The Country mouse and the town mouse

Сomplete the missing words. Here _____ Country Mouse. Country Mouse _____ lives _____ a field. It is a _____ cornfield. He _____ a nice house _____ the middle of _____ cornfield.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Выполнила:
Амбарцумова Анна Павловна
Учитель английского языка
МОУ «СОШ №1»
город Кингисепп

Выполнила: Амбарцумова Анна ПавловнаУчитель английского языкаМОУ «СОШ №1»город Кингисепп2011

Слайд 2Сomplete the missing words.
Here _____ Country Mouse. Country Mouse

_____ lives _____ a field. It is a _____ cornfield.

He _____ a nice house _____ the middle of _____ cornfield. Look! His house is in the _____.
Every day, Country Mouse _____ corn . He eats corn _____ breakfast. He eats corn for _____. And he eats corn for _____.
And every day, Country Mouse _____ in the field with his friends. The country is _____ and quiet. And Coutry Mouse is very _____.

(eats, dinner, big, has, lunch, tree, for, plays, happy, nice, the, in, in, is)

Сomplete the missing words. Here _____ Country Mouse. Country Mouse _____ lives _____ a field. It is

Слайд 3One day, a mouse from the town _____ the country.

He _____ through the cornfield. He walks and _____. The

country is _____. What can you _____ in the country? Nothing! _____ Town Mouse.
In the town, you can _____ nice clothes. You can _____ good food. You can _____ museums. And you can _____ to the cinema . I _____ the town, he _____.
Country Mouse _____ him. Country mouse is very _____ and friendly. He _____ Town Mouse to dinner. “Do you want to come for _____ at my house?”
“That’s very kind of you. Thank you,” _____ Town Mouse.

(go boring, walks, thinks, thinks, visits, do, sees, dinner, invites, thinks, love, eat, kind, says, buy, visit)

One day, a mouse from the town _____ the country. He _____ through the cornfield. He walks

Слайд 4Say “True” or “False”.
1. That evening, Town mouse and Country

Mose have dinner
in the kitchen. _____
2. They

eat corn for dinner. _____
3. Country Mouse likes corn. _____
4. Town Mouse doesn’t like corn very much. _____
5. The Country is quiet now. _____

Say “True” or “False”.1. That evening, Town mouse and Country Mose have dinner   in the

Слайд 5http://images.google.ru/imgres?q=the+country+mouse+and+the+town+mouse&hl=ru&newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=517&tbm=isch&tbnid=MMLuJSIKT3-ykM:&imgrefurl=http://tropicalchicken.blogspot.com/2011/01/country-mouse-and-town-mouse.html&docid=EcioaUMDRUm-6M&w=400&h=302&ei=JKFDTr_jO8jGtAapxvG1Bw&zoom=1


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