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The Infinitive 8 класс

Translate from English into Russian1. The buyers want to know our terms of payment.Покупатели хотят знать наши условия платежа.2. To walk in the garden was a pleasure.Гулять в саду было приятно.3.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Infinitive
Выполнила: Ушакова Виктория Викторовна,
учитель немецкого и английского языков,
МОУ «Лицей

№ 5»,
г. Железногорска Курской обл.

The InfinitiveВыполнила: Ушакова Виктория Викторовна,учитель немецкого и английского языков,МОУ «Лицей № 5»,г. Железногорска Курской обл.

Слайд 2Translate from English into Russian
1. The buyers want to know

our terms of payment.
Покупатели хотят знать наши условия платежа.
2. To

walk in the garden was a pleasure.

Гулять в саду было приятно.

3. They watched the boy cross the street.

Они видели, как мальчик переходил улицу.

4. To see is to believe.

Видеть — значит верить.

5. He is sure to enjoy himself at the disco.

Ему, несомненно, понравится на дискотеке.

6. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder.

Я почувствовал, как он положил руку на мое плечо.

Translate from English into Russian1. The buyers want to know our terms of payment.Покупатели хотят знать наши

Слайд 37. She seems to be having a good time at

the seaside.
Она, кажется, хорошо проводит время на берегу моря.

She remembered to have been told a lot about this man.

Она вспомнила, что ей много рассказывали об этом мужчине.

9. He proved to be one of the cleverest students at our school.

Он оказался одним из самых способных учеников нашей школы.

7. She seems to be having a good time at the seaside.Она, кажется, хорошо проводит время на

Слайд 4Use the appropriate form of the infinitive.
They want (to

take) to the concert by their father.

I am glad (to

do) all the homework yesterday.

This plant is known (to produce) tractors.

He wants his son (to become) a lawyer.

He seems (to know) French very well: he is said (to spend) his youth in Paris.

You had better (to call) our distributors at once.

We are happy (to invite) to the party.

to be taken

to have done

to produce

to become

to know

to have spent


to have been invited

Use the appropriate form of the infinitive.  They want (to take) to the concert by their

Слайд 58. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the

ground was
covered with a deep layer of


9. He didn’t hear me (to knock) at the door.

10. I want (to inform) of her arrival.

11. Our sportsmen are proud (to win) the cup.

12. He is known (to work) on the problem for many years.

13. The representative of the firm asked for the documents (to send) by air mail.

to have been snowing


to be informed

to have won

to have been working

to be sent

8. It seemed (to snow) heavily since early morning: the ground was   covered with a

Слайд 6Put “to” where it is necessary.
I think you ought …

Make him … speak louder.
Help me … carry

this bag.
My son asked me … let him … go to the theatre.
I must … go to the country.
It cannot … be done today.
She asked me … read the letter carefully and … write an answer.
The man told me not … walk on the grass.
Let me … help you with your work.
She ought … take care of her health.
We had better … stop to rest a little.
I don’t know what … do.















Put “to” where it is necessary.I think you ought … apologize. Make him … speak louder. Help

Слайд 7He was seen … leave the house.
We have come …

ask whether there is anything we can … do.
We heard

the siren … sound and saw the ship … move.
I cannot … go there now, I have some work … do.
During the crossing the passengers felt the ship … toss.
You must make him … practice an hour a day.
He is not sure that it can … be done, but he is willing … try.
I looked for the book everywhere but could not … find it.
He said that she might … come in the evening.
She was made … repeat the song.
Would you rather … learn shorthand than typewriting?

Put “to” where it is necessary.
















He was seen … leave the house.We have come … ask whether there is anything we can

Слайд 8Put “to” before the infinitive where it is necessary.

I like___play the guitar.
2. My brother can___speak French.

We had___put on our overcoats because it was cold.
4. They wanted___cross the river.
5. It is high time for you___go to bed.
6. May I___use your telephone?
7. They heard the girl___cry out with joy.
8. I would rather___stay at home today.
9. He did not want___play in the yard any more.
10. Would you like___go to England?
11. You look tired. You had better___go home.
12. I wanted___speak to Nick, but could not___find his telephone
13. It is time___get up.
14. Let me___help you with your homework.
15. I was planning___do a lot of things yesterday.

Put “to” before the infinitive where it is necessary.  1. I like___play the guitar. 2. My

Слайд 91. I like to play the guitar.
2. My brother

can x speak French.
3. We had to put on

our overcoats because it was cold.
4. They wanted to cross the river.
5. It is high time for you to go to bed.
6. May I x use your telephone?
7. They heard the girl x cry out with joy.
8. I would rather x stay at home today.
9. He did not want to play in the yard any more.
10. Would you like to go to England?
11. You look tired. You had better x go home.
12. I wanted to speak to Nick, but could not x find his telephone
13. It is time to get up.
14. Let me x help you with your homework.
15. I was planning to do a lot of things yesterday.
1. I like to play the guitar. 2. My brother can x speak French. 3. We had

Слайд 10Вы можете использовать данное оформление для создания своих презентаций ,

но в своей презентации вы должны указать источник шаблона :

Ушакова Виктория Викторовна , учитель немецкого и английского языков , МОУ «Лицей № 5», г . Железногорск , Курской обл . www.uvv77.blogspot.ru

Вы можете использовать данное  оформление для создания своих  презентаций , но в своей  презентации

Слайд 11http://pngimg.com/upload/snowflakes_PNG7528.png


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