Разделы презентаций

The Present Continuous and the Present Simple Tense

The Present Continuous and the Present Simple TenseБольшинство глаголов употребляются и в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple. Listen! She is playing the piano.She plays the piano very well.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Present Continuous and the Present Simple Tense
5 класс

The Present Continuous  and  the Present Simple Tense5 класс

Слайд 2The Present Continuous and the Present Simple Tense
Большинство глаголов употребляются

и в Present Continuous, и в Present Simple.
Listen! She

is playing the piano.
She plays the piano very well.
The Present Continuous  and the Present Simple TenseБольшинство глаголов употребляются и в Present Continuous, и в

Слайд 3Некоторые глаголы употребляются только в форме Present Simple:
Hate – ненавидеть

hate snakes

Некоторые глаголы употребляются только в форме Present Simple: Hate – ненавидетьI hate snakes

Слайд 4Love – любить
People love freedom.

Love – любитьPeople love freedom.

Слайд 5Like – нравиться
Do you like my new sweater ?

Like – нравитьсяDo you like my new sweater ?

Слайд 6Want - хотеть
She doesn’t want any problems at school.

Want - хотеть She doesn’t want any problems at school.

Слайд 7See - видеть
What can you see through the window?

See - видеть What can you see through the window?

Слайд 8Have – иметь какую-нибудь вещь
My grandma has a good

country house.

Have – иметь какую-нибудь вещь My grandma has a good country house.

Слайд 9Need - нуждаться
I need some food

Need - нуждатьсяI need some food

Слайд 10Make up sentences describing the pictures.
need/ help
Want/ to help/

Have on/ a new dress

to sleep

Make up sentences describing the pictures.need/ helpWant/ to help/ her brotherHave on/ a new dressBear/want/ to sleep

Слайд 11See/birds/ through the window.

They/ see /themselves

See/birds/ through the window.They/ see /themselves

Слайд 12

like/ raspberries
like/ freedom

like/ raspberries like/ freedom

Слайд 13
Like/ vegetables
Snow Queen / hate/summer

Like/ vegetablesSnow Queen / hate/summer

Слайд 14Present Simple or Present Continuous
What…you…(to want)? – I …some tea

(to want)
Who …the drums (to play)? – It’s my little

brother. He … the drums very well (to play).
When …you… the house (to leave)? At 8.30 in the morning.
What … you… (to do)? I … my homework (to do)
What … the boys…at the moment (to sing)? – They … an old English song (to sing)
Present Simple or Present ContinuousWhat…you…(to want)? – I …some tea (to want)Who …the drums (to play)? –

Слайд 15Выбери глаголы, которые употребляются только в форме Present Simple


Выбери глаголы, которые употребляются только в форме Present Simple HateLovePlayLikeReadArrangeNeedWantLookSeeHaveGo

Слайд 16Вставь глагол в нужной форме на место пропуска.

I … in the park and … my

notes at the moment (sit, write). It … hot (be). I … hot weather (hate). I … not … to sit here ( want). But Roger … tennis with his friend ( play). They … and … (run, laugh). They … neither ice cream nor cold lemonade ( need). They … fun (have). They …this weather ( like).
Вставь глагол в нужной форме на место пропуска.      I … in the

Слайд 17
Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» Учебник английского языка для

5 класса

Литература  Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English» Учебник английского языка для 5 класса

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