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"The Russian Federation".

What is the official name of our country?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Russia


Слайд 2What is the official name of our country?

What is the official name of our country?

Слайд 3The official name is the Russian Federation.

The official name is the Russian Federation.

Слайд 4How many republics are there in the Russian Federation?

How many republics are there in the Russian Federation?

Слайд 5There are 22 republics in the Russian Federation.

There are 22 republics in the Russian Federation.

Слайд 6Who was the first Russian President?

Who was the first Russian President?

Слайд 7The first president of Russia was Boris Yeltsin.

The first president of Russia was Boris Yeltsin.

Слайд 8What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?

What is the highest law of the Russian Federation?

Слайд 9Constitution is the highest law of Russia

Constitution is the highest law of Russia

Слайд 10Who is the Russian President at the moment? Who is

the Prime Minister?

Who is the Russian President at the moment? Who is the Prime Minister?

Слайд 11Vladimir Putin is current president of Russia
Dmitry Medvedev is the

Prime Minister

Vladimir Putin is current president of RussiaDmitry Medvedev is the Prime Minister

Слайд 12When did Russia stop being a monarchy and become a


When did Russia stop being a monarchy and become a republic?

Слайд 13Russia stopped being a monarchy and became a republic in


Russia stopped being a monarchy and became a republic in 1917

Слайд 14What is its capital?

What is its capital?

Слайд 15Moscow is the capital of Russia. 

Moscow is the capital of Russia. 

Слайд 16Can you name some other major cities of Russia? 

Can you name some other major cities of Russia? 

Слайд 17Nizhny Novgorod, St-Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar…

Nizhny Novgorod, St-Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar…

Слайд 18Where are the Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated?

Where are the Altai and the Caucasus mountains situated?

Слайд 19The Altai Mountains are a mountain range in central Asia,

where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come together.
The Caucasus are

situated in the south-west of Russia. 
The Altai Mountains are a mountain range in central Asia, where Russia, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan come

Слайд 20What other Russian mountain chains do you know?

What other Russian mountain chains do you know?

Слайд 21The Urals

The Urals

Слайд 22 Where are the rivers Lena and Ob situated?

 Where are the rivers Lena and Ob situated?

Слайд 23The Lena is situated in the northeastern Siberia.
The Ob is

situated in western Siberia.

The Lena is situated in the northeastern Siberia.The Ob is situated in western Siberia.

Слайд 24Thank you.

Thank you.

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