Разделы презентаций

The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi

«Guess the sport»a) Biathlonb) Curling c) Figure Skatingd) Short Tracke) Alpine Skiingf) Ski Jumpingg) Bobsleighh) Hockey

Слайды и текст этой презентации



Слайд 2«Guess the sport»
a) Biathlon
b) Curling

c) Figure Skating
d) Short

e) Alpine Skiing
f) Ski Jumping
g) Bobsleigh
h) Hockey
«Guess the sport»a) Biathlonb) Curling            c)

Слайд 3 «Match the words»
1. (to) score a) person

Olympic b) a battle
3. (to) win

c) prize
4. great d) a goal
5. noble e) honour
6. sports f) Movement
7. the first g) equipment
8. silver h) cup
«Match the words»1. (to) score   a) person2. Olympic    b) a battle3.

Слайд 4 Keys:
1. (to) score a goal

Olympic Movement
3. (to) win a battle
4. great honour
5. noble

6. sports equipment
7. the first prize
8. silver cup
Keys: 1. (to) score a

Слайд 5 «Reading»

Pierre de Coubertin

«Reading»Pierre de Coubertin

Слайд 6 «Choose the correct answer»
1) … the French nobleman Pierre

de Coubertin got the idea to bring the Olympic Games

back to life.
A) At the beginning of the 19th centure
B) At the middle of the 19th centure
C) At the end of the 19th centure

«Choose the correct answer»1) … the French nobleman Pierre de Coubertin got the idea to bring

Слайд 7 «Choose the correct answer»
2) Athletes from … countries came

to Greece and had competitions in … sports.
A) thirteen, nine

B) fifteen, thirteen
C) sixteen, nine

3) The Olympic Games take place every … .
A) two years B) four years C) three years

«Choose the correct answer»2) Athletes from … countries came to Greece and had competitions in …

Слайд 8 «Choose the correct answer»
4) … the tradition of the

Winter Olympic Games also began.
A) In 1896

B) 1926 C) 1996

5) … heads the Olympic movement.
A) Pierre de Coubertin
B) The ancient Greeks
C) The International Olympic Committee

«Choose the correct answer»4) … the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games also began.A) In 1896

Слайд 9 «Choose the correct answer»
6) The last Olympic Games were

held … .
A) in Russia B) in

Canada C) in Japan


«Choose the correct answer»6) The last Olympic Games were held … .A) in Russia

Слайд 10 «The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi»


«The Winter Olympic Games in Sochi» 

Слайд 11 «Blitz poll»
What is the Olympic motto?
What is the

Olympic symbol?
Explain the use of rings’ colours.
Blue ring is

for …
Black ring is for …
Red ring is for …
Yellow ring is for …
Green ring is for …


«Blitz poll»What is the Olympic motto? What is the Olympic symbol? Explain the use of rings’ colours.

Слайд 12 «Guess the famous sportsmen»


«Guess the famous sportsmen» 

Слайд 13 «Guess the famous sportsmen»


«Guess the famous sportsmen» 

Слайд 14I think that I …

I think that I …

Слайд 15Good buy!

Good buy!

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