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Time mаnagement

Momenta cuncta novantur**Moments will change each other forever .Ovid

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Timemanagment

ONEU 2012


Слайд 2Momenta cuncta novantur*
*Moments will change each other forever .Ovid

Momenta cuncta novantur**Moments will change each other forever .Ovid

Слайд 3Constance
Introduction to Time Management Planners

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

ConstanceIntroduction to Time Management PlannersProcrastinationONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Слайд 4There is nothing magical about getting the most from these

hours we have; it just takes planning. Time management strategies

fulfill a number of functions. One purpose is to plan activities and schedule time for completing them. A second purpose is to help people become more punctual. Time management strategies also aid in remembering obligations such as meetings, appointments, and special events.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

There is nothing magical about getting the most from these hours we have; it just takes planning.

Слайд 5Introduction to TimeManagement Planners
ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Introduction to TimeManagement Planners ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Слайд 6There are four major types of time management planners: semester

(or quarter), monthly, weekly, and daily. In order to be

an effective time management strategy, planners must be checked every day or every few days. Make this part of one's routine. Additionally, it is often necessary to update and revise the planners as due dates change or as new tasks are assigned.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

There are four major types of time management planners: semester (or quarter), monthly, weekly, and daily. In

Слайд 7Semester Planners
The purpose of semester (quarter) planners is to give

the student on overall idea of when major school projects

and social events are scheduled. Semester planners give an overview of the major commitments one has during the course of the term.
Semester planners are useful because they help the student to see when he/she will be the most busy during the term.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Semester PlannersThe purpose of semester (quarter) planners is to give the student on overall idea of when

Слайд 8Directions for Creating Semester (Quarter) Planners
Write in the dates and

times for major school projects, including:
examinations and quizzes
research papers
lab assignments

field trips
Write in the dates of important social events that can't be missed. Be selective, you can't do everything!
major athletic events
school dances
club meetings and events
Put the calendar in a prominent place in your room where you may refer to it often

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Directions for Creating Semester (Quarter) PlannersWrite in the dates and times for major school projects, including:examinations and

Слайд 9Monthly Planners
Monthly planners are similar to semester planners, except that

they allow one to plan academic and social events in

more detail. More types of information and events can be organized on monthly planners.
This time management technique is useful because it encourages the student to divide major tasks into smaller parts and to develop a schedule for completing each part. Another benefit of monthly planners is they help to reduce the tensions associated with procrastination.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Monthly PlannersMonthly planners are similar to semester planners, except that they allow one to plan academic and

Слайд 10Directions for Creating Monthly Planners
Buy a portable, notebook-sized monthly calendar

with boxes that are large enough to hold several pieces

of information
Look at the major academic assignments listed on the semester planner (or course syllabi). Break each task into smaller parts.
Develop a schedule for completing each task. Make one's own due dates for each part and write them on the monthly planner.
Regularly evaluate one's progress on the tasks against the due dates on the monthly planner.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Directions for Creating Monthly PlannersBuy a portable, notebook-sized monthly calendar with boxes that are large enough to

Слайд 11Weekly Activity Grids
When recording upcoming activities on the weekly grid,

be as specific as possible. Each entry should identify two

things. For students, these are the topic to be studied and how it will be studied.
Remember this rule of thumb when planning and coordinating weekly activities: spend two hours studying outside class for every hour spent in class.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Weekly Activity GridsWhen recording upcoming activities on the weekly grid, be as specific as possible. Each entry

Слайд 12Daily Activity Grids
Daily activity grids serve the same function as

weekly schedules - to plan in detail the activities to

be completed during the day. The only difference between the two is that daily grids show only one day at a time while weekly grids display seven days of activities on one chart.

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Daily Activity GridsDaily activity grids serve the same function as weekly schedules - to plan in detail

Слайд 13Procrastination
The guidelines below may provide procrastinators with the strategies needed

to break out of that behavioral cycle
ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

ProcrastinationThe guidelines below may provide procrastinators with the strategies needed to break out of that behavioral cycleONEU

Слайд 14A Non-Procrastination Plan
Make a Schedule
Get Motivated
Reevaluate Your Priorities
Take Responsibility
Cause and

Effect Relationships
Working "Under Pressure"
Variety is the Spice of Life
Think Small

Focus on Assets

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

A Non-Procrastination PlanMake a ScheduleGet MotivatedReevaluate Your PrioritiesTake ResponsibilityCause and Effect RelationshipsWorking

Слайд 15Summary: A Seven Day Non-Procrastination Plan
Monday: Make tasks meaningful
Tuesday: Divide

large assignments into smaller parts
Wednesday: Write an intention statement
Thursday: Tell

everyone about your schedules and plans
Friday: Find a reward for doing things on time
Saturday: Settle any problems now
Sunday: SAY NO!

ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Summary: A Seven Day Non-Procrastination Plan Monday: Make tasks meaningfulTuesday: Divide large assignments into smaller partsWednesday: Write

Слайд 16Thank you for your attention!
ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment

Thank you for your attention!ONEU 2012, CED,R.Stezura.Timemanagment


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