Разделы презентаций

Употребление гагола CAN в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях

Фонетическая разминка [∫] – shell, English, wish, shy, shape [ŋ] – song, ring, sing, long, strong [w] –we, weather, draw, watch, what

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The 19 th of May Classwork

“What can we do?”

The 19 th of May Classwork“What can we do?”

Слайд 2Фонетическая разминка

[∫] – shell, English, wish, shy, shape
[ŋ] – song,

ring, sing, long, strong
[w] –we, weather, draw, watch, what

Фонетическая разминка		[∫] – shell, English, wish, shy, shape	[ŋ] – song, ring, sing, long, strong	[w] –we, weather, draw,

Слайд 3What can we do if … ?
We can …

What can we do if … ?We can …

Слайд 4 Глагол can переводится на русский язык глаголами «мочь, уметь»

и обозначает физическую способность выполнять какое-либо действие.


Глагол can переводится на русский язык глаголами «мочь, уметь» и обозначает физическую способность выполнять какое-либо действие.

Слайд 5 I can
Модальный глагол CAN
to … .

Вспомогательный глагол

He/She cans


I can Модальный глагол CANto … .Вспомогательный глаголHe/She cans sing.

Слайд 6Warm-up
Boys hands up
Boys hands down
Boys and girls
Turn around
Girls hands up

hands down
Girls and boys
Turn around

Warm-upBoys hands upBoys hands downBoys and girlsTurn aroundGirls hands upGirls hands downGirls and boysTurn around

Слайд 7Утвердительные предложения

I can swim. We can swim.
You can swim. You can swim.

can swim. They can swim.
It can swim.

Утвердительные предложения 			I can swim.			We can swim.	You can swim.		You can swim.	He/She can swim.	They can swim.	It can swim.

Слайд 8What people can do if… ?

What people can do if… ?

Слайд 9 Отрицательные предложения

I can not swim. = I can’t swim.
He can

not swim. = He can’t swim.
They can not swim. =

They can’t swim.

Отрицательные предложения		I can not swim. = I can’t swim.	He can not swim. = He can’t swim.	They can

Слайд 10Общий вопрос

Can you swim? – Yes, I can.

I can’t.

Общий вопрос 				Can you swim? – Yes, I can.					  No, I can’t.

Слайд 11Exercises Find the mistakes/ найдите ошибки
I can to swim.
He cans dance.

We can speak English.
Can she sing?
Does he can play the

We can’t stay with you.

Exercises Find the mistakes/ найдите ошибкиI can to swim.He cans dance. We can speak English.Can she sing?Does

Слайд 12Exercises Can или cannot/can’t.

They …

play basketball.

We … sing.

Snail … run.







Exercises Can или cannot/can’t.

Слайд 13Homework
Learn the pronunciation of the verb CAN/CAN’T
Write 9 sentences

with CAN/CAN’T and questions.

Homework Learn the pronunciation of the verb CAN/CAN’TWrite 9 sentences with CAN/CAN’T and questions.

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