Разделы презентаций

Викторина на тему Means of Communication /Средства коммуникации

What is the oldest means of communication?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Викторина на тему «Means of communication»

Викторина  на тему  «Means of communication»

Слайд 2What is the oldest means of communication?

What is the oldest means of communication?

Слайд 3Sign language

Sign language

Слайд 4What is older: language or cave paintings?

What is older: language or cave paintings?

Слайд 5 Cave paintings

Cave paintings

Слайд 6Where was invented the alphabet?

Where was invented the alphabet?

Слайд 7In the ancient Egypt

In the ancient Egypt

Слайд 8Who invented the radio?

Who invented the radio?

Слайд 9 Popov and Marconi

Popov and  Marconi

Слайд 10Who used smoke signals in America?

Who used smoke signals in America?

Слайд 11American Indians

American Indians

Слайд 12Where were invented telephone, telegraph and internet?

Where were invented telephone, telegraph and internet?

Слайд 13 In the USA

In the USA

Слайд 14What are the most modern means of communication?

What are the most modern means of communication?

Слайд 15Internet - Social networks, messengers, E-mail.

Internet - Social networks, messengers, E-mail.

Слайд 16 Tell the most common means of communication in the world.

Tell the most common means of communication in the world.

Слайд 17Language


Слайд 18What’sUp, Skype, E-mail, Viber, Facebook, ICQ, Vk, MySpace, Twitter, MailRu

Agent, Instagram, Google Talk, Telegram, QIP, Google+, iChat, Odnoklassniki, LiveJournal,


Select only social networks

What’sUp, Skype, E-mail, Viber, Facebook, ICQ, Vk, MySpace, Twitter, MailRu Agent, Instagram, Google Talk, Telegram, QIP, Google+,

Слайд 19
What’sUp, Skype, E-mail, Viber, Facebook, ICQ, Vk , MySpace, Twitter,

MailRu Agent, Instagram, Google Talk, Telegram, QIP, Google+, iChat, Odnoklassniki,

LiveJournal, Tumblr.
What’sUp, Skype, E-mail, Viber, Facebook, ICQ, Vk , MySpace, Twitter, MailRu Agent, Instagram, Google Talk, Telegram, QIP,

Слайд 20 Which means of communication can you use in the Middle

Painting, fire or smoke, telegraph, language, satellite, Twitter, hands

or sign language, phone.
Which means of communication can you use in the Middle Ages? Painting, fire or smoke, telegraph,

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