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We are saving Mowgli! Мы спасаем Маугли 3 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1We are saving Mowgli!

We are saving Mowgli!

Слайд 2What can they tell us about?

What can they tell us about?

Слайд 3Who can save Mowgli? Listen and circle the right animal.

Who can save Mowgli? Listen and circle the right animal.

Слайд 4These animals can help us to save Mowgli!

These animals can help us to save Mowgli!

Слайд 5How can they help?
Can climb trees
eat all the

Can swim, jump
hop very high

How can they help?Can climb trees and eat all the leavesCan swim, jump and hop very high

Слайд 6How can they help?
Is very strong
Can swim fast

How can they help?Is very strong and dangerousCan swim fast

Слайд 7How can they help?
Wants to take the monkeys
to the

Can jump and run fast

How can they help?Wants to take the monkeys to the northCan jump and run fast

Слайд 8How can they help?
Is very big and strong

eat bananas
Is small but very quick,
has long ears
can hear

what the monkeys tell Mowgli
How can they help?Is very big and strong and can eat bananasIs small but very quick, has

Слайд 9How can they help?
Is big, strong and dangerous,
is the

king of the jungle
Is big and heavy,
has a very

long nose
can catch the monkeys
on the palm tree
How can they help?Is big, strong and dangerous, is the king of the jungleIs big and heavy,

Слайд 10How can they help?

How can they help?

Слайд 11Baloo and Bagheera are very worried!

Baloo and Bagheera are very worried!

Слайд 12A footless yellow earthworm … Who is it?

A footless yellow earthworm … Who is it?Kaa

Слайд 13I’m definitely going to help you!!!

I’m definitely going to help you!!!

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