Разделы презентаций

We learn to describe people 5 класс

Will you use the words from the ex. 9 p. 44 and make up sentences with them?e. g. My brother is an independent person.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1We learn to describe people
Lesson 5

We learn to describe peopleLesson 5

Слайд 2 Will you use the words from the ex. 9 p.

44 and make up sentences with them?

e. g. My brother

is an independent person.

Will you use the words from the ex. 9 p. 44 and make up sentences with them?e.

Слайд 3 Translate the words from Russian into English:
Translate the words from

English into Russian:
To unzip

Test yourself

Translate the words from Russian into English:НевежливыйНеформальныйНеприятныйНеизвестный	Translate the words from English into Russian:UnlikeUnfriendlyTo unzipIndependentTest yourself

Слайд 4New Adjectives

New Adjectivesbright

Слайд 6sociable


Слайд 7responsible


Слайд 8creative


Слайд 9loving


Слайд 10
My mother is … and … .
My friend is …

and … .
My sister is … and … .
My granny

is … and … .

Exercise 1

My mother is … and … .My friend is … and … .My sister is … and

Слайд 11 I agree with you.
I disagree with you.
Exercise 2 „Agree

or disagree“

I agree with you.I disagree with you.Exercise 2 „Agree or disagree“

Слайд 12Your sister is very naughty.
Your mother is sociable.
Your friends are

curious and have a good sense of humour.
You are shy

and unfriendly.
Your brother is brave.
Your father is impolite.
You are non-athletic.

Your sister is very naughty.Your mother is sociable.Your friends are curious and have a good sense of

Слайд 13Ex. 3 p. 56 dialogue (groups of four)

Ex. 3 p. 56 dialogue (groups  of four)

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