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Wellness Lifestyle 9 класс

Sayings Active life makes you feel happy.Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full attention.A person who has a wellness lifestyle can make right decisions.Wellness means more than

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Слайд 1Wellness Lifestyle

Wellness Lifestyle

Слайд 2Sayings
Active life makes you feel happy.
Health is a gift

of fate and it deserves our full attention.
A person who

has a wellness lifestyle can make right decisions.
Wellness means more than physical health.
Wellness is a Journey which begins at the moment of our birth.
The quality of man’s life depends on his lifestyle.
Sayings Active life makes you feel happy.Health is a gift of fate and it deserves our full

Слайд 3Wellness
Wellness is a particular way to live

and to be happy

is freedom from disease
is a perfect physical development of a person
is a healthy lifestyle
is a quality of our private life
is a common concern for human worth
is building relationships with other people
is dealing constructively with feelings and handling your problems
is keeping life in balance
is the way to adjust to environment
is financial independence.

Wellness  Wellness is a particular way to live and to be happy

Слайд 4What spheres of human life does wellness deal with?

What spheres of human life does wellness deal with?

Слайд 5“Wellness” and “Health”
physical health
mental health
social health
is a condition of

your body
is the way you feel about yourself and

how you handle your problems
is the way you build your relationships and establish contacts with people
“Wellness” and “Health” physical healthmental healthsocial healthis a condition of your body is the way you feel

Слайд 6The quality of life circle
Genes and Body Makeup (16%)

are what we inherit from our parents (Things beyond my

Environment (21%) is what surrounds us (Me + family, community, nation).
Health Care System (10%) is what helps us improve health (Me + doctor and hospital).
Lifestyle (53%) is the number of things I can do for myself (Things I can do for myself).
The quality of life circle Genes and Body Makeup (16%) are what we inherit from our parents

Слайд 7Ingredients of a quality life
Having positive self-image;
Getting along with

Setting and reaching goals;
Planning my time and day;
Exercising and sport

Choosing healthy nutrition for good health;
Participating in lifetime activities according to my inclinations and likings;
Learning about harmful effect of drugs, alcohol, tobacco.
Ingredients of a quality life Having positive self-image;Getting along with people;Setting and reaching goals;Planning my time and

Слайд 8Wellness
Physical and Social
Depends, Is Controlled, Should be Balanced


wish you were
My lifestyle
WellnessPhysical and SocialDepends, Is Controlled, Should be Balanced

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