Разделы презентаций

What should you do to keep fit ?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

I `ll divide you into 3 parts :

3. Evening
I `ll divide you into 3 parts

Слайд 2 Checking

up the homework:

Ex.4, p.107
Checking up the homework:

Слайд 3

The strategy «Hour routine»

The strategy «Hour routine»

Слайд 4

1. The right word combination

which matches the time
Criterions: 1. The

Слайд 5

The theme of

the lesson: What should you do to keep fit?


aims of the lesson: to use new words in oral speech; to
determine indefinite pronouns; to make
them use in simple sentences.

The theme of the lesson: What should you do to

Слайд 6 much(много)+uncountable nouns I haven`t got much time. many(много)+countable nouns. He has lived here

for many years. a little(немного)-some but not much He knows a little

French. a few(ремного)- a small number We are going away for a few days. some(несколько,некоторое количество)+countable/uncountable nouns I have some potatoes. аny(какой нибудь)+countable/uncountable nouns Is there any cheese? There are not any tomatoes.

Indefinite pronouns

much(много)+uncountable nouns I haven`t got much

Слайд 7

The strategy «The recipe of sweet


The strategy «The recipe

Слайд 8

Criterion estimation of success:
1. I can make up daily routine

in English.
2.I can pick up indefinite pronouns and use them in making up sentences
Criterion estimation of success:1. I can make

Слайд 9 Physical


Physical minute

Слайд 10 The

strategy «Hot chair»

The strategy «Hot chair»

Слайд 11

Giving the homework :

Ex.12, p. 118
Giving the homework :

Слайд 12

Your reflections

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