Разделы презентаций

Why Throw away? Why Not Recycle?

We leave litter in the forests

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Why throw away? Why not recycle?

Why throw away? Why not recycle?

Слайд 2We leave litter in the forests

We leave litter in the forests

Слайд 3We pollute air

We pollute air

Слайд 4We cut down trees

We cut down trees

Слайд 5We throw litter at the river

We throw litter at the river

Слайд 6We kill animals
WWF Всемирный Фонд Защиты Дикой Природы.

We kill animalsWWF Всемирный Фонд Защиты Дикой Природы.

Слайд 7We leave fire

We leave fire

Слайд 8We pollute water

We pollute water

Слайд 9We hurt animals

We hurt animals

Слайд 10We destroy forests

We destroy forests

Слайд 11We pollute wildlife

We pollute wildlife

2. Запрещать
3. Выбрасывать
4. Переработка
5. Упаковка

6. Мусор
7. Загрязнение
8. Консервная

9. ?????

CROSSWORDПачка2. Запрещать3. Выбрасывать4. Переработка5. Упаковка6. Мусор7. Загрязнение8. Консервная    банка 9. ?????


9. Prohibition

CHECK YOURSELFPackProhibitThrowRecyclingPackaging6.Litter7.Pollution8.Can9. Prohibition

Слайд 16Second conditional
If V2 (Past Simple), would V1 (infinitive)


use it for unlikely situations in the present or future.


условие. Действие относится к настоящему или будущему.)

Second conditional If V2 (Past Simple), would V1 (infinitive) We use it for unlikely situations in the

Слайд 17Third Conditional
If had V3 (Past Perfect), would/could have V3


use it to talk about situations that didn’t happen in

the past.
(Нереальное условие. Действие относится к прошедшему времени.)

Third Conditional If had V3 (Past Perfect), would/could have V3We use it to talk about situations that

Слайд 19What would you do if you were

If I were…
If I

had been…

a) a head of our school
b) a head of

our city
c) a head of our country

Make antipollution laws
Take care of homeless animals
Take measures to prevent water and air pollution
Solve different medical problems
Solve scientific problems
Do research to save wildlife
Invent cars that pollute less air
Plant a lot of parks and squares

What would you do if you wereIf I were…If I had been…a) a head of our schoolb)

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