Разделы презентаций

16_Non-Sporeforming Anaerobes


Stains gram-variable or gram-negative, but not a gram-negative cell wall

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 3Stains gram-variable or gram-negative, but not a gram-negative cell wall

Stains gram-variable or gram-negative, but not a gram-negative cell wall

Слайд 4Non-Sporeforming Anaerobes (cont.)

Non-Sporeforming Anaerobes (cont.)

Слайд 5Most Common Sites of Anaerobic Infection

Most Common Sites of Anaerobic Infection

Слайд 6Characteristics of Anaerobic Infection

Characteristics of Anaerobic Infection

Слайд 7Characteristic Clinical Signs of Anaerobic Infection

Characteristic Clinical Signs of Anaerobic Infection

Слайд 9Anaerobic Gram-Positive Non-Sporeforming Bacterial Infections

Anaerobic Gram-Positive Non-Sporeforming Bacterial Infections

Слайд 10Gram-Positive Non-sporeforming Anaerobes
NOTE: Figure legend in text indicates that each

of these organisms is a bacillus (i.e., rod-shaped). This is

INCORRECT. Peptostreptococcus is, as the name indicates, a coccus.
Gram-Positive Non-sporeforming AnaerobesNOTE: Figure legend in text indicates that each of 	these organisms is a bacillus (i.e.,

Слайд 11Diseases Associated with Anaerobic Gram-Positive Bacilli

Diseases Associated with Anaerobic Gram-Positive Bacilli

Слайд 12Gram Stain and Macroscopic Colonies of Actinomyces
NOTE: Molar tooth appearance

of colonies on agar can help remind us that the

oral cavity is a common niche for Actinomyces.
Gram Stain and Macroscopic Colonies of ActinomycesNOTE: Molar tooth appearance of colonies on agar can help remind

Слайд 13Actinomyces Infections

Actinomyces Infections

Слайд 14Cervicofacial Actinomycosis
NOTE: Sinus tract originating in oral cavity has made

it’s way to the surface at the jawline.

Cervicofacial ActinomycosisNOTE: Sinus tract originating in oral cavity has made it’s way to the surface at the

Слайд 15Colonized IUD Resulting in Pelvic Actinomycosis

Colonized IUD Resulting in Pelvic Actinomycosis

Слайд 16Epidemiology of Actinomycosis

Epidemiology of Actinomycosis

Слайд 17Sulfur Granule from Sinus Tract of Actinomycotic Infection

Sulfur Granule from Sinus Tract of Actinomycotic Infection

Слайд 18Epidemiology of Propionibacterium

Epidemiology of Propionibacterium(doxycycline)

Слайд 20Anaerobic Gram-Negative Non-Sporeforming Bacterial Infections

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Non-Sporeforming Bacterial Infections

Слайд 21Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections

Слайд 22Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections (cont.)

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections (cont.)

Слайд 23Clinically Predominant Anaerobic Gram-Negatives

Clinically Predominant Anaerobic Gram-Negatives

Слайд 24Broad Classes of Virulence Factors Associated with Gram-Neg. Anaerobes

Protection from:
Oxygen toxicity
Tissue Destruction

Broad Classes of Virulence Factors Associated with Gram-Neg. Anaerobes Adhesins Protection from:Oxygen toxicityPhagocytosis Tissue Destruction

Слайд 25Anaerobic Gram-Neg. Virulence Factors

Anaerobic Gram-Neg. Virulence Factors

Слайд 26Anaerobic Gram-Negative Virulence Factors (cont.)

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Virulence Factors (cont.)

Слайд 27Epidemiology of Bacteroides

Epidemiology of Bacteroides

Слайд 28Bacteroides Gram Stain

Bacteroides Gram Stain

Слайд 29Bacteroides Virulence Factors

Bacteroides Virulence Factors

Слайд 30Bacteroides Pathogenicity

Bacteroides Pathogenicity

Слайд 32REVIEW
Non-Sporeforming Anaerobes

REVIEWNon-Sporeforming Anaerobes

Слайд 33Characteristics of Anaerobic Infection

Characteristics of Anaerobic InfectionREVIEW

Слайд 34Characteristic Clinical Signs of Anaerobic Infection

Characteristic Clinical Signs of Anaerobic InfectionREVIEW

Слайд 35Most Common Sites of Anaerobic Infection

Most Common Sites of Anaerobic InfectionREVIEW

Слайд 37Review of Anaerobic Gram-Positive Non-Sporeforming

Bacterial Infections

Review of      Anaerobic Gram-Positive Non-Sporeforming Bacterial InfectionsREVIEW

Слайд 38Gram-Positive Non-sporeforming Anaerobes

Gram-Positive Non-sporeforming AnaerobesREVIEW

Слайд 39Actinomyces Infections

Actinomyces InfectionsREVIEW

Слайд 40Epidemiology of Actinomycosis

Epidemiology of ActinomycosisREVIEW

Слайд 41Epidemiology of Propionibacterium

Epidemiology of Propionibacterium(doxycycline)REVIEW

Слайд 43Review of Anaerobic Gram-Negative Non-Sporeforming

Bacterial Infections

Review of      Anaerobic Gram-Negative Non-Sporeforming Bacterial InfectionsREVIEW

Слайд 44Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections

Anaerobic Gram-Negative InfectionsREVIEW

Слайд 45Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections (cont.)

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Infections (cont.)REVIEW

Слайд 46Clinically Predominant Anaerobic Gram-Negatives

Clinically Predominant Anaerobic Gram-NegativesREVIEW

Слайд 47Broad Classes of Virulence Factors Associated with Gram-Neg. Anaerobes

Protection from:
Oxygen toxicity
Tissue Destruction

Broad Classes of Virulence Factors Associated with Gram-Neg. Anaerobes Adhesins Protection from:Oxygen toxicityPhagocytosis Tissue DestructionREVIEW

Слайд 48Anaerobic Gram-Neg. Virulence Factors

Anaerobic Gram-Neg. Virulence FactorsREVIEW

Слайд 49Anaerobic Gram-Negative Virulence Factors (cont.)

Anaerobic Gram-Negative Virulence Factors (cont.)REVIEW

Слайд 50Epidemiology of Bacteroides

Epidemiology of BacteroidesREVIEW

Слайд 51Bacteroides Virulence Factors

Bacteroides Virulence FactorsREVIEW

Слайд 52Bacteroides Pathogenicity

Bacteroides PathogenicityREVIEW

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