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1 Bioenergy - biofuels Magnús Guðmundsson Innovation Center of Iceland Magnús


EU Green package “20-20-20” climate targets/ambitions EU targets affecting conventional transport solutions: 20% RES by 2020 including 10% RES in transport sector

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Слайд 1Bioenergy - biofuels
Magnús Guðmundsson
Innovation Center of Iceland

Magnús Guðmundsson
Innovation Center

of Iceland

Bioenergy - biofuelsMagnús GuðmundssonInnovation Center of Iceland Magnús GuðmundssonInnovation Center of Iceland

Слайд 2

Green package “20-20-20” climate targets/ambitions

EU targets affecting conventional

transport solutions:

20% RES by 2020 including 10% RES in transport sector

20% reduction of CO2 emission by 2020

European policy in the transport sector

EU Green package “20-20-20” climate targets/ambitions EU targets

Слайд 3Bio-fuels- definitions

Bio-fuels are made from sustainable raw materials, mainly

biomass, plant fat/oil and all kinds of organic waste from

agriculture, municipalities and industry. It is CO2 neutral!
The use of bio-fuels are supposed to replace fossil fuels partially or totally leading to less pollution such as CO and dust.

Bio-fuels made with fermentation or chemical reactions are:

Bio-ethanol Bio-diesel Bio-gas (bio-methane)
Bio-fuels- definitions Bio-fuels are made from sustainable raw materials, mainly biomass, plant fat/oil and all kinds of

Слайд 4Types of bio-fuels

Types of bio-fuels

Слайд 5Ethanol fermentation
Yeasts are mostly used today to ferment sugars to

ethanol: most common and can use many substrates

Also bacterias like

Zymomonas mobilis: higher ethanol tolerance but limited substrates (glucose, fructose)

In some cases thermophilic bacteria is used
Thermophilic at 55°C are in use
Higher than 70°C is in development

Faster reactions but less tolerance
Ethanol fermentationYeasts are mostly used today to ferment sugars to ethanol: most common and can use many

Слайд 61°- and 2° generation production
Ligno-cellulose plants
Agricultural waste
Starchy plants
Other crops
Sugar rich

Sugar cane
Sugar beets
1°- generation production
2° generation production

1°- and 2° generation productionLigno-cellulose plantsTreesAgricultural wasteGrass/helmStarchy plantsMaizeBarley/wheatOther cropsSugar rich plantsSugar caneSugar beetsPretreatmentHydrolysisFermentationDistillationEthanol1°- generation production2° generation productionByproducts:Heat

Слайд 7First and second generation ethanol
(from Toefl TU Berlin)
1° Generation production–

from starch and sugar canes
-Creating debate on food vs fuel

Generation production– use of polysaccharides from
More pretreatment
– separation of complex polymers
and reduce them to smaller
saccharides (sugars)

made with heat, chemicals and
First and second generation ethanol(from Toefl TU Berlin)1° Generation production– from starch and sugar canes-Creating debate on

Слайд 8Bio-Ethanol

Henry Ford started to use pure ethanol on “"Quadricycle" in


USA produces more ethanol than Brasil

It is mainly produced from

maize (corn starch)

First the starch is converted to sugars before it is fermented

USA production is more expensive than the production of Brazil

Bio-Ethanol Henry Ford started to use pure ethanol on “

Слайд 9Ethanol Production

Ethanol Production

Слайд 10Food versus fuels

Food versus fuels

Слайд 11Methane
Anaerobic digestion with many types of bacteria

Produced from landfill gas

(buried waste) under uncontrolled
situations. Digestion time can be many


Produced with anaerobic reactors under controlled situation.
Digestion time is 2-4 weeks
MethaneAnaerobic digestion with many types of bacteriaProduced from landfill gas (buried waste) under uncontrolled situations. Digestion time

Слайд 12
Methane is produced by anaerobic digestion
•Methane forming bacteria need certain

conditions to thrive

-pH 6,4-7,2
- Temperature: Psycrophilic (0-20°C), mesophilic (30-35°C)

and thermophilic(> 55°C)
- The ratio of C/N should be 25-30
- Moisture (> 65%)

The solid residue is a by-product
and a very good fertilizer

Organic matter
/ manure


Acid forming

Simple organic

Acetic acid
Probionic acid
Succininic acid
Butyric acid
Formic acid

Methane forming

Landfill and biogas

Methane 50-70%
CO2 25-50%

Methane is produced by anaerobic digestion •Methane forming bacteria need certain conditions to thrive -pH 6,4-7,2-

Слайд 13Thank you for your attention
Methane from cellulose

Thank you for your attentionMethane from cellulose

Слайд 14How do anaerobic digesters (AD) work

How do anaerobic digesters (AD) work

Слайд 17Combination of waste– importance of C/N ratio

•The balance between carbon

and nitrogen is important as both are needed.
–Carbon rich waste:

paperboard (C/N=475), papers (C/N=600), garden waste(C/N=50), horsemanure (C/N=30) and other manure(C/N=25)

–Nitrogen rich waste: slaughterhouse waste (C/N=3), fish waste (C/N=4) and pig manure(C/N=14)

•optimum ratio of C/N is from 25 to 30 so “right” waste needs to be mixed together
Combination of waste– importance of C/N ratio•The balance between carbon and nitrogen is important as both are

Слайд 18
Methane production – how much?
The gas production is different

from different kind of raw materials:
–Food waste: 200 m3/ton
–Paper: 300

–Paperboard: 150 m3/ton
–Horse manure: 80 m3/ton
–Pig manure: 25 m3/ton
–Garden waste: 130 m3/ton
–Slaughter and fish waste: 180 m3/ton

The yield is though dependent on many other factors
Methane production – how much? The gas production is different from different kind of raw materials:–Food

Слайд 19
How much is used for energy production?
100 kg
87 kg
13 kg


for biogas production
2kg ash
Volatile matter
11 kg
Efficiency of digesters

Not used

4 kg goes to landfill gas

2-3 Nm3/day
25 KWh/day

How much is used for energy production?Manure100 kg87 kgwater13 kgsolidsMatter for biogas production2kg ashVolatile matter

Слайд 20The aim of the EU is to have 10% of

the fuel as bio-fuel in (biodiesel, bio-gas, bio-ethanol) in 2020


needs to be upgraded to bio-methane to be used for transport

If the same aim was set for Iceland it would mean that the production would be 30.000 t/year of methane

Methane – fuel for transport

The aim of the EU is to have 10% of the fuel as bio-fuel in (biodiesel, bio-gas,

Слайд 21Cleaning of bio-gas

Cleaning of bio-gas

Слайд 22Landfill gas to methane
It takes 20-40 years to produce landfill

gas from the waste

This is the gas cleaning station at


It is cleaning about 1 million m3 of
Methane, enough for 1000 cars

The methane production can be increased by using anaerobic digesters which have retention time of 10-15 days

Landfill gas to methane It takes 20-40 years to produce landfill gas from the wasteThis is the

Слайд 25 Methane as a fuel
Cleanliness demands

>96% purity

Maximum 15mg/Nm3 water

Maximum 100 mg/Nm3

of H2S

N2 < 2%

No oxygen

No siloxane

No particles larger than 40


Energy content of methane

39 MJ/m3 (1atm)

15 MJ/L (250 bar)

Methane as a fuelCleanliness demands>96% purityMaximum 15mg/Nm3 waterMaximum 100 mg/Nm3 of H2SN2 < 2%No oxygenNo siloxaneNo

Слайд 27Environmental Effects – LCA
Smaller vehicles

Environmental Effects – LCASmaller vehicles

Слайд 28 Mechanical – ultrasound and pressure

Chemical – use of

alkali, acids and enzymes

Thermal – use of thermal hydrolysis

and microwave

Electrical – methods like PEF (Pulsed Electric Field)

Pretreatments of bio-waste for anaerobic digestion

Mechanical – ultrasound and pressure Chemical – use of alkali, acids and enzymes Thermal – use

Слайд 29PEF treatment in continuous flow

PEF treatment in continuous flow-ELECTRODE+ELECTRODEPULSED POWER

Слайд 30 Destroys or damages cellular membranes, breaks down large aggregates

and reduces organic molecules to simpler forms


PEF treatment the organic solids are more bio-available and
hydrolyzed i.e. there is an increase in soluble organic material

As a consequence there is more material available for methane forming
bacteria to produce methane which can increase the biogas yield

The quantity of bio-solids decreases

PEF treatment pasteurizes the raw material without destroying the
methane forming bacteria

Increased digester capacity

Effect of PEF-pretreatment

Destroys or damages cellular membranes, breaks down large aggregates   and reduces organic molecules to

Слайд 31Bio- diesel
Animal fat and waste oil
Algae oils
Soya beans
Other oily crops

The oil can be cold pressed to get the oil

Bio- dieselAnimal fat and waste oilRapeseedAlgae oilsSoya beansOther oily cropsRaw materialThe oil can be cold pressed to

Слайд 32Production of biodiesel
Glyserol (10%)
Methanol (5-10%) + catalyzer(0.5%)
Oil or fat (80-90%)

Production of biodieselBiodiesel(90%)Glyserol (10%)Methanol (5-10%) + catalyzer(0.5%)Oil or fat (80-90%)cleaningcleaning

Слайд 33Biodiesel
Possible flaws
Can form crystals in cold temperatures

Gel formation at low

at -10°C, and from animal fat at +16°C

More viscous

than diesel

Lower energy value

Can breakdown (by bacteria or chemically)

Properties are controlled by fatty acid composition
Environmentally friendly in large part
The benefit is small if large amount of fertilizers are used

Can be mixed with diesel up to B20

Better lubrication than diesel

Purer burn than diesel less NOx, SOx and particles

BiodieselPossible flawsCan form crystals in cold temperaturesGel formation at low °C (RMEat -10°C, and from animal fat

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