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1 Knowledge Management


ObjectivesDefine knowledge and describe the different types of knowledge.Describe the activities involved in knowledge management. Describe different approaches to knowledge management.Describe

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Слайд 1Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management

Слайд 2 Objectives

knowledge and describe the different types of knowledge.
Describe the activities

involved in knowledge management.
Describe different approaches to knowledge management.
Describe the issues associated with implementing knowledge management in organizations.
Describe the technologies that can be utilized in a knowledge management system.
Describe the tasks of the chief knowledge officer (СKO) and other personnel involved in knowledge management process.
Describe benefits as well as obstacles to knowledge management initiatives
ObjectivesDefine knowledge and describe the different types of

Слайд 3Knowledge Management
Structuring of knowledge enables
effective and efficient problem

dynamic learning
strategic planning
decision making.
Knowledge management initiatives focus on
identifying knowledge

it can be shared in a formal manner
leveraging its value through reuse.
Knowledge management can
promote organizational learning
help solve problems

Knowledge management (KM) is a process that helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate, and transfer important information and expertise that are part of the organization’s memory.

Knowledge Management Structuring of knowledge enables effective and efficient problem solvingdynamic learningstrategic planningdecision making. Knowledge management initiatives

Слайд 4Knowledge
Data are a collection of:
Information is organized or processed

data that are:
Knowledge is information that is:
Relevant and actionable

is very distinct from data and information and provides a higher level of meaning about that data and information.
The ability to act is an integral part of being knowledgeable.

Having knowledge implies that it can be exercised to solve a problem, whereas having information does not.

Knowledge Data are a collection of:FactsMeasurementsStatisticsInformation is organized or processed data that are:TimelyAccurate Knowledge is information that

Слайд 5 Transformation process : Data – information- knowledge
Chapter 10

Transformation process : Data – information- knowledgeChapter 10

Слайд 6Knowledge is a Corporate Asset
Extraordinary leverage and increasing returns. Knowledge

is not subject to diminishing returns. When it is used,

it is not consumed. Its consumers can add to it, thus increasing its value.
Fragmentation, leakage, and the need to refresh. As knowledge grows, it branches and fragments. Knowledge is dynamic; it is information in action. Thus, an organization must continually refresh its knowledge repository to maintain it as a source of competitive advantage.
Uncertain value. It is difficult to estimate the impact of an investment in knowledge. There are too many intangible aspects.
Uncertain value of sharing. Similarly, it is difficult to estimate the value of sharing the knowledge, or even who will benefit most.
Expired in time

Knowledge has the following characteristics that differentiates it from an organization’s other assets

Knowledge is a part of Intellectual capital or Intellectual assets

Knowledge is a Corporate AssetExtraordinary leverage and increasing returns. Knowledge is not subject to diminishing returns. When

Слайд 7Chapter 10
Knowledge : Explicit knowledge
Explicit knowledge (or leaky knowledge)

deals with objective, rational, and technical knowledge :
Core competencies ,


Explicit knowledge has been codified (documented) in a form that can be distributed to others or transformed into a process or strategy without requiring interpersonal interaction.

The more than knowledge is made explicit, the more economically it can be transferred.

Chapter 10Knowledge : Explicit knowledge Explicit knowledge (or leaky knowledge) deals with objective, rational, and technical knowledge

Слайд 8Knowledge : Tacit knowledge
Tacit knowledge is the cumulative store

of the corporate experiences
Mental maps
business acumen
Trade secrets
Skill sets
Learning of

an organization
The organizational culture

Tacit knowledge is usually in the domain of subjective, cognitive, and experiential learning; it is highly personal and difficult to formalize. It is also referred to as embedded knowledge since it is usually either localized within the brain of an individual or embedded in the team interactions within a department or business unit.

Tacit knowledge is generally slow and costly to transfer

Knowledge : Tacit knowledge Tacit knowledge is the cumulative store :of the corporate experiencesMental mapsInsights business acumenExpertiseKnow-howTrade

Слайд 9Chapter 10
Knowledge : Knowledge Management System
A functioning knowledge management system

follows six steps in a cycle dynamically refining information over

time :
Create knowledge.
Capture knowledge.
Refine knowledge.
Store knowledge.
Manage knowledge.
Disseminate knowledge.

The goal of knowledge management is for an organization to be aware of individual and collective knowledge so that it may make the most effective use of the knowledge it has. Firms recognize the need to integrate both explicit and tacit knowledge into a formal information systems - Knowledge Management System (KMS)

As knowledge is disseminated, individuals develop, create, and identify new knowledge or update old knowledge, which they add into the system.

Chapter 10Knowledge : Knowledge Management SystemA functioning knowledge management system follows six steps in a cycle dynamically

Слайд 10 Knowledge Management Circle

Knowledge Management Circle

Слайд 11Chapter 10
Knowledge Management Initiatives
Knowledge management initiatives have one of three

to make knowledge visible mainly through
yellow pages
to develop a knowledge-intensive

to build a knowledge infrastructure

There are several activities or processes that surround the management of knowledge.
Knowledge Creation
Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Seeking

Chapter 10Knowledge Management InitiativesKnowledge management initiatives have one of three aims:to make knowledge visible mainly throughMapsyellow pageshypertextto

Слайд 12Knowledge creation or knowledge acquisition is the generation of new

insights, ideas, or routines.
Socialization mode refers to the conversion

of tacit knowledge to new tacit knowledge through social interactions and shared experience.
Combination mode refers to the creation of new explicit knowledge by merging, categorizing, reclassifying, and synthesizing existing explicit knowledge
Externalization refers to converting tacit knowledge to new explicit knowledge
Internalization refers to the creation of new tacit knowledge from explicit knowledge.
Knowledge sharing is the exchange of ideas, insights, solutions, experiences to another individuals via knowledge transfer computer systems or other non-IS methods.
Knowledge seeking is the search for and use of internal organizational knowledge.

Knowledge Management Continued

Knowledge creation or knowledge acquisition is the generation of new insights, ideas, or routines. Socialization mode refers

Слайд 14Knowledge Management Approaches
The process approach attempts to codify organizational knowledge

through formalized controls, processes, and technologies frequently through the use

of information technologies to enhance the quality and speed of knowledge creation and distribution. These technologies include:
Data warehousing
Knowledge repositories
Decision support tools
The process approach is favored by firms that sell relatively standardized products since the knowledge in these firms is fairly explicit because of the nature of the products and services.

There are two fundamental approaches to knowledge management: a process approach and a practice approach. Since the two are not mutually exclusive a knowledge management initiative will probably involve both approaches.

Knowledge Management ApproachesThe process approach attempts to codify organizational knowledge through formalized controls, processes, and technologies frequently

Слайд 15Knowledge Management Approaches Continued
The practice approach to knowledge management assumes

that organizational knowledge is tacit in nature and formal controls,

processes, and technologies are not suitable for transmitting this type of understanding.
Rather than building formal systems to manage knowledge, this approach builds social environments or communities to facilitate the sharing of tacit understanding.
The practice approach is typically adopted by companies that provide highly customized solutions to unique problems. The valuable knowledge for these firms is tacit in nature, which is difficult to express, capture, and manage.
Knowledge Management Approaches ContinuedThe practice approach to knowledge management assumes that organizational knowledge is tacit in nature

Слайд 16Knowledge Management – Information Technology
Components of Knowledge Management Systems:

technologies - allow users to access needed knowledge and to

communicate with each other.
Collaboration technologies -provide the means to perform group work.
Storage and retrieval technologies (database management systems) - to store and manage knowledge.

Knowledge management is more than a technology or product, it is a methodology applied to business practices. However, information technology is critical to the success of knowledge management systems.

Knowledge Management – Information Technology Components of Knowledge Management Systems:Communication technologies - allow users to access needed

Слайд 18Knowledge Management – Supporting Technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI methods: expert systems,

neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, etc.)
Assist in identifying expertise

knowledge automatically and semi-automatically
Provide interfacing through natural language processors
Enable intelligent searches through intelligent agents.
Intelligent agents are software systems that learn how users work and provide assistance in their daily tasks.
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is a process used to search for and extract useful information from volumes of documents and data. It includes tasks such as:
knowledge extraction
data archaeology
data exploration
data pattern processing
information harvesting

Technologies enable advanced functionality in knowledge management systems and form the base for future innovations.

Knowledge Management – Supporting TechnologiesArtificial Intelligence (AI methods: expert systems, neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, etc.)Assist

Слайд 19Chapter 10
Knowledge Management – Supporting Technologies
Data mining the process of

searching for previously unknown information or relationships in large databases,

is ideal for extracting knowledge from databases, documents, e-mail, etc.
Model warehouses & model marts extend the role of data mining and knowledge discovery by acting as repositories of knowledge created from prior knowledge-discovery operations
eXtensible Markup Language (XML) enables standardized representations of data structures, so that data can be processed appropriately by heterogeneous systems without case-by-case programming.


Chapter 10Knowledge Management – Supporting Technologies Data mining the process of searching for previously unknown information or

Слайд 20Knowledge Management : IT Products
Most knowledge management software packages include

one or more of the following tools:
collaborative computing tools
knowledge servers

knowledge portals
electronic document management systems
knowledge harvesting tools
search engines
knowledge management suites.

Technology tools that support knowledge management are called knowware.

Knowledge Management : IT ProductsMost knowledge management software packages include one or more of the following tools:collaborative

Слайд 21fig_10_10

Expertize by Expert Location System (type of KMS )

fig_10_10            Expertize by Expert Location System

Слайд 22Knowledge Management – IT Services
IT Consulting Firms provide assistance
in establishing

knowledge management systems
measuring their effectiveness
Support for vertical market


Application service providers (ASPs) have evolved as a form of KMS outsourcing on the Web. They offering a complete knowledge management solution, including a KM suite and the consulting to set it up.
Knowledge Management – IT ServicesIT Consulting Firms provide assistancein establishing knowledge management systems measuring their effectiveness Support

Слайд 23Knowledge Management – Integration Issues
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Artificial Intelligence
Customer Relationship

Management Systems (CRM)
Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)
Corporate Intranets

management systems are enterprise-wide and must be integrated with other information systems in an organization :
Knowledge Management – Integration IssuesDecision Support Systems (DSS)Artificial IntelligenceCustomer Relationship Management Systems (CRM)Supply Chain Management Systems (SCM)

Слайд 24Knowledge Management – People
Chief knowledge officer’s (CKO) role are to

maximize the firm’s knowledge assets, design and implement knowledge management

strategies, effectively exchange knowledge assets internally and externally, and promote system use.
Chief executive officer’s (CEO) is responsible for championing the KM effort.
Chief financial officer (CFO) must ensure that the financial resources are available.
Chief operating officer (COO) must ensure that people begin to embed knowledge management practices into their daily work processes
Chief information officer (CIO) is responsible for the IT vision of the organization and the IT architecture, including databases, application software, etc.
KMS developers are the individuals who actually develop the system
KMS staff catalogue and manage the knowledge, train users

Managing a KMS requires great effort. Many issues related to management, people, and culture must be considered to make the system a success. Some of those issues concern implementation and effective use of the system.

Knowledge Management – PeopleChief knowledge officer’s (CKO) role are to maximize the firm’s knowledge assets, design and

Слайд 25Knowledge Management – Metrics
Asset-based approach starts with the identification of

intellectual assets and then focuses management’s attention on increasing their

The second uses variants of a balanced scorecard, where financial measures are balanced against customer, process, and innovation measures.
Financial Metrics (tangible benefits)
Non-Financial Metrics (intangible benefits)

Organizations can gain several benefits from implementing a knowledge management strategy. This valuation can be based upon an asset-based approach or one that links knowledge to its applications and business benefits.

Knowledge Management – MetricsAsset-based approach starts with the identification of intellectual assets and then focuses management’s attention

Слайд 26Chapter 10
Organizational culture change. This issue is how can

we change organizational culture so that people are willing both

to contribute knowledge to and use knowledge from a KMS? There must be strong executive leadership, clearly expressed goals, user involvement in the system, and deployment of an easy-to-use system that provides real value to employees. A viable reward structure for contributing and using knowledge must also be developed.
How to store tacit knowledge. This is extremely difficult. Most KMSs (based on the network storage model) store explicit knowledge about the tacit knowledge that people possess. When the knowledgeable people leave an organization, they take their knowledge with them. Since knowledge requires active use by the recipient, it is important for the person generating knowledge to articulate it in a way that another, appropriately educated person can understand it.
How to measure the tangible and intangible benefits of KMS. There are a number of ways to measure the value of intellectual assets and of providing them to the organization.
Determining the roles of the various personnel in a KM effort.
Chapter 10MANAGERIAL ISSUESOrganizational culture change. This issue is how can we change organizational culture so that people

Слайд 27Chapter 10
The lasting importance of knowledge management. Knowledge

management is extremely important. It is not another management fad.

If it is correctly done, it can have massive impact by leveraging know-how throughout the organization. If it is not done, or is not correctly done, the company will not be able to effectively compete against another major player in the industry that does KM correctly.
Implementation in the face of quickly changing technology. This is an important issue to address regarding the development of many IT systems. Technology has to be carefully examined, and experiments done, to determine what makes sense. By starting now, an organization can get past the managerial and behavioral issues, which have greater impact on the eventual success (or not) of a KMS. As better and cheaper technology is developed, the KMS can be migrated over to it, just as legacy systems have migrated to the PC.
Chapter 10MANAGERIAL ISSUES ContinuedThe lasting importance of knowledge management. Knowledge management is extremely important. It is not

Слайд 28

Questions ?

Chapter 10

Questions  ? Chapter 10

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