Разделы презентаций

Petrified Forest


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Petrified Forest
National Park

Petrified ForestNational Park

Слайд 2Location


Слайд 3Map of the Park

Map of the Park

Слайд 4dry windy climate;
summer high is about 100 °F (38 °C);
winter lows are

well below freezing;
more than 400 species of plants (bunchgrass, blue

grama, sacaton);
fauna (pronghorns, coyotes, bobcats);
fossils (from 225 million years ago).

About the Park

dry windy climate;summer high is about 100 °F (38 °C);winter lows are well below freezing;more than 400 species of

Слайд 5Things to Do
The Park is open everyday except Christmas.
The Rainbow

Forest Museum complex:
visitor information, orientation, and backcountry permits,
orientation movie, Timeless

Impressions (20-minutes long, shows continuously),
fossil exhibits,
Giant Logs, Long Logs, and Agate House trail access,
limited food service,
gift shop,
public restrooms.
The Painted Desert Inn National Historic Landmark:
visitor information and orientation,
museum exhibits (including the building itself),
public restrooms,
Wilderness and Rim trail access.

Things to DoThe Park is open everyday except Christmas.The Rainbow Forest Museum complex:visitor information, orientation, and backcountry

Слайд 6Thank you
for your attention!

Thank youfor your attention!

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