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A popular way of dressing during a particular time or among a particular group

Youth Fashion

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Слайд 1A popular way of dressing during a particular time or

among a particular group of people

A popular way of dressing during a particular time or among a particular group of people

Слайд 2Youth Fashion

Youth Fashion

Слайд 3Why does fashion change?

Why does fashion change?

Слайд 5Milan, Italy
These fashions have a reputation for casual elegance and

luxurious fabrics. Many Italian couturiers, such as Valentino, are based

in Rome. However, Milan is seen as the fashion capital of Italy because many well-known designers are based there and it is the venue for the Italian designer collections, which take place at an exhibition center called the Diera di Milano or the Milan Fair
Milan, Italy	These fashions have a reputation for casual elegance and luxurious fabrics. Many Italian couturiers, such as

Слайд 7Paris, France
Chic and stylish
Home of famous couture houses such as

Dior and Chanel
The houses stage exclusive fashion shows in their

own salons. Many other famous French designers show their work twice a year.
One of the best known French designers and a pioneer of ready to wear is Yves Saint Laurent. He consistently turned out stylish, quality garments over many years.
One of the innovators of French fashion is Jean Paul Gauliter. He designs unusual witty clothes which stand apart from the main thrust of French style. He designed for Madonna.
Paris, FranceChic and stylishHome of famous couture houses such as Dior and ChanelThe houses stage exclusive fashion

Слайд 9London, England
Known for unorthodox clothes, with a young market and

popular appeal.
Vivienne Westwood is one of the pioneers of street

style, the name of daring youthful looks which London is known for.John Galliano, Richmond Cornejo and a design group called English Eccentrics also turn out fresh ideas consistently.
Other well known names include Zandra Rhodes, Katharine Hamnett (known for slogan t-shirts) and Bruce Oldfield who designs glamorous evening wear.
London, EnglandKnown for unorthodox clothes, with a young market and popular appeal.Vivienne Westwood is one of the

Слайд 11New York, New York, U.S.A.
American fashion design is dominated by

a clean-cut casual style reflecting the sporty, health-conscious life styles

of many Americans. The fashion industry in New York is based around Seventh Avenue.
A designer who helped to set the trend in America for sport influenced day wear throughout the 1940’s and 50’s was Clair McCardell. Many of her styles have been rivived. More recent influences on the American Look have been Calvin Klein, with classic coats, separates and jeans.
Ralph Lauren designs casually elegant clothes in natural fabrics and Donna Karan works with practical, sophisticated women’s wear.
New York, New York, U.S.A.American fashion design is dominated by a clean-cut casual style reflecting the sporty,

Слайд 12New York

New York

Слайд 13Tokyo, Japan
The look is lose and apparently unstructured. This is

often the result of complicated cutting techniques. Colors are often

subtle, and somber. Fabrics are rich and textured.
Many of the famous names in Japanese fashion now work in Europe or the USA, but the Tokyo designer collections are still a major international fashion event. Famous names in Japanese fashion include Kenzo, known for layered looks and highly original knitwear.
Miyake, considered a master of draping and cutting, and Rei Kawakubo who developed a completely new way of cutting. His work has been compared with the bias innovation of Vionnet in the 1930’s.
Tokyo, JapanThe look is lose and apparently unstructured. This is often the result of complicated cutting techniques.

Слайд 15Conclusion


Слайд 16Fashion Vocabulary

Fashion Vocabulary

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