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An Experiment in Love by Hilary Mantel Chapter 7.1

EmbellishAfterwards she bounced across the room, repeating it, extending it, embellishing it. (p.154)Explanation: to make something more beautiful or interesting by adding something to it.

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Слайд 1An Experiment in Love by Hilary Mantel Chapter 7.1.
The work is performed

Student of the group №18824
Ksenia Kryukova

Novosibirsk State National Research University

Humanities Institute
An Experiment in Love by Hilary Mantel Chapter 7.1.The work is performed byStudent of the group №18824Ksenia

Слайд 2Embellish
Afterwards she bounced across the room, repeating it, extending it,

embellishing it. (p.154)

Explanation: to make something more beautiful or interesting

by adding something to it.

EmbellishAfterwards she bounced across the room, repeating it, extending it, embellishing it. (p.154)Explanation: to make something more

Слайд 3Whiff
The impact of these absurd words was so powerful that

when I look back at this scene I seem to

catch a whiff of smoke indeed. (p.155)

Explanation: a smell that you only smell for a short time.
WhiffThe impact of these absurd words was so powerful that when I look back at this scene

Слайд 4Rumour
In the next couple of days two rumours swept the

building. (p.156)

Explanation: a fact that a lot of people are

talking about although they do not know if it is true.
RumourIn the next couple of days two rumours swept the building. (p.156)Explanation: a fact that a lot

Слайд 5Rota
We ate, working by rota, roast lamb, roast beef, roast

pork. (p.158)

Explanation: a plan that shows who must do which

jobs and when they must do them.
RotaWe ate, working by rota, roast lamb, roast beef, roast pork. (p.158)Explanation: a plan that shows who

Слайд 6Frivolous
…whose manners and outlook were no doubt frivolous, degenerate and

the talk of the district; (p.159)

Explanation: behaving in a silly

way and not taking anything seriously.
Frivolous…whose manners and outlook were no doubt frivolous, degenerate and the talk of the district; (p.159)Explanation: behaving

Слайд 7Fill in the blanks:
I got a ____of new paint when

I entered the room.
He _______the story with lots of dramatic

I just think we should draw up some kind of a ___.
_____ has it that she will be getting married soon.
He thinks window shopping is a _______ activity.

rumour embellished whiff frivolous rota

Fill in the blanks:I got a ____of new paint when I entered the room.He _______the story with

Слайд 8Verbiage
The burden of the letter was this, when the

verbiage was stripped away. (p.160)

Explanation: language that is very complicated

and contains a lot of unnecessary words.
Verbiage The burden of the letter was this, when the verbiage was stripped away. (p.160)Explanation: language that

Слайд 9Deprive
So it is not surprising that we tried to

set up our own housekeeping routines, to recreate the domesticity

of which (I suppose) we must have felt deprived. (p.163)

Explanation: to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone.
Deprive So it is not surprising that we tried to set up our own housekeeping routines, to

Слайд 10Congregate
Some girls would use the kitchens to heat milk or

soup, but they were good for little else, and not

pleasant places to congregate. (p.163)

Explanation: to come together in a large group of people or animals.
CongregateSome girls would use the kitchens to heat milk or soup, but they were good for little

Слайд 11Elongated
Wet, the clothes looked bigger; the sweaters were elongated, their

arms swinging and cuffs groping as if in search of

a handhold. (p.163)

Explanation: longer and thinner than usual.
ElongatedWet, the clothes looked bigger; the sweaters were elongated, their arms swinging and cuffs groping as if

Слайд 12Surplus
When I was little and she went out cleaning,

her employers would sometimes try to give her things: surplus

food and cast-off clothing. (p.171)

Explanation:(an amount that is) more than is needed.
Surplus When I was little and she went out cleaning, her employers would sometimes try to give

Слайд 13Fill in the blanks:
The world is now producing large food

He claimed that he had been ______ of his freedom/rights.

editor removed some of the excess ______ from the article.
The picture shows two _______ figures dancing.
It's a place where the homeless ________.

verbiage surpluses congregate deprived elongated

Fill in the blanks:The world is now producing large food _______.He claimed that he had been ______

Слайд 14Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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