Разделы презентаций

Appearance Describing people

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Monday, the thirteenth of November. Class work. Appearance and charachter.

Monday, the thirteenth of November. Class work. Appearance and charachter.

Слайд 5Appearance
Describing people

Appearance    Describing people

Слайд 6How do people differ from each other?

How do people differ from each other?

Слайд 7Height


Слайд 11Special features

Special features

Слайд 14Article 19. The age from which criminal responsibility arises is

fourteen years old.
Ассording to the criminal code of the Donetsk

People's Republic
Article 19. The age from which criminal responsibility arises is fourteen years old.Ассording to the criminal code

Слайд 15- Hello.
- Good afternoon, Ivan. We were talking about a

bike yesterday.
- Yes, sure, Danil. Are you ready to meet?

Is 11 o`clock OK?
-Wonderful. How can I recognize you?
- I`m ……. I`ll be wearing……
- Deal! See you.
- Hello.- Good afternoon, Ivan. We were talking about a bike yesterday.- Yes, sure, Danil. Are you

Слайд 16Is appearance important to you?

Appearances are deceiving.
Fine dress helps

to impress.
spick and span
Never judge a book by its cover.

Is appearance important to you? Appearances are deceiving.Fine dress helps to impress.spick and spanNever judge a book

Слайд 17
You can look beautiful and nice,
You can be

serious and wise,
You can be smart and clever
But stay a

man forever.
STAY A MAN…You can look beautiful and nice,You can be serious and wise,You can be smart and

Слайд 22Charles Dickens
(1812 – 1870) was an English writer and social

critic. He created some of the world's best-known fictional characters

and is regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era.
Charles Dickens (1812 – 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the world's

Слайд 24Do you know what Victorian time is?
Railways were built

and people could travel easily around the country for the

first time.

At the age of 5 or 6 children started to work
Children worked very long hours with little breaks and no fresh air.
They often worked in dangerous conditions.
They were paid very little.

Do you know what Victorian time is? Railways were built and people could travel easily around the

Слайд 25In some poor families mothers had to sell their children

In some poor families mothers had to sell their children

Слайд 26Where did children work?
In factories
As chimney sweepers
In coal mines
In the

In workhouses
In farms

Where did children work?In factoriesAs chimney sweepersIn coal minesIn the streetsIn workhousesIn farms

Слайд 27Compare
We can study
We needn`t work
We can choose

the work to earn our pocket money
We are defended by

the government

Early 19th century
The life was hard, unhappy
The children didn’t have any rights
They had to work to feed themselves

Compare Nowadays We can studyWe needn`t workWe can choose the work to earn our pocket moneyWe are

Слайд 28The Tower of London

The Yeoman Warders

The Tower of LondonThe Yeoman Warders

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