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Application information for scholarship program from Huawei Russian Research

Application information for scholarship program from Huawei Russian Research Разное

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Слайд 1Application information for scholarship program from Huawei Russian Research Institute

University & Faculty:
Email: Phone: +7 (000) 000-00-00
Detailed information:
Self introduction:

GPA score:

English level:
The plan of scientific research work for the year:
Professional skills (if have):
Scientific articles in leading Russian and international specialized journals (if have):
Participation in specialized scientific conferences (if have):
Experience of participation in different competitions, hackathons and Olympiads at high school or university (if have):
Experience of participation in project work (if have):
Recommendations from scientific supervisor of faculty member /professor famous in Huawei’s research directions attached (if have):
Application information for scholarship program  from Huawei Russian Research InstituteName: 						University & Faculty: Email:						Phone: +7 (000)

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