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Arctic monkeys

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Arctic Monkeys

Arctic Monkeys

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(2007)Humbug (2011)AM

Слайд 6Turner's parents bought him a guitar for Christmas 2001. In

the summer of 2002, Turner, Cook, Nicholson and Helders decided

to form a band, having watched friends including Milburn play at local pubs.The name Arctic Monkeys was conceived by Cook. Turner initially did not want to be the singer; a number of schoolmates including Glyn Jones were tried out before he became the frontman. All four were beginners on their instruments;
At first, the band's original songs featured nonsense words but Turner eventually began to share his own lyrics with his bandmates: "I had this sense of dread that the others would laugh me out of the room. Mickey-taking is a useful quality control." They practised for a year before playing a live show: "A lot of people have an idea of the music they wanna make and then they go make it, but we started the band to have something to do and then figured all that stuff out." Their first gig was on Friday, 13 June 2003, supporting The Sound at a local pub called The Grapes. Their eight-song set comprised three covers and five self-composed songs.
Turner's parents bought him a guitar for Christmas 2001. In the summer of 2002, Turner, Cook, Nicholson

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