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Arguments For and Against H unting

ArgumentsIn favor of huntingHunters argue that hunting is a tradition, a ritual or a bonding experience.Hunters also argue that killing a number of deer benefits the ecosystem as a whole.Hunters argue

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Слайд 1Arguments For and Against Hunting

Arguments For and Against Hunting

Слайд 2Arguments
In favor of hunting
Hunters argue that hunting is a tradition,

a ritual or a bonding experience.
Hunters also argue that killing

a number of deer benefits the ecosystem as a whole.
Hunters argue that killing the deer is better than letting them starve to death.
Regarding ethics, hunting proponents argue that killing a deer for food cannot be worse than killing a cow or a chicken.
Unlike the cow or the chicken, the deer lived a free and wild life before being killed and had a chance to escape.
Hunters argue that hunting is necessary to perform the function of wolves or cougars in keeping the deer population in check.
They also argue that reducing the deer population will reduce human/deer conflicts, such as car/deer collisions.

Against hunting
Opponents also argue that hunting is ineffective for solving human/deer conflicts
Hunting is ineffective because state wildlife management agencies intentionally keep the deer population high, for hunters.
Hunting opponents also find hunting unethical on a number of grounds.
Many find hunting to be unethical because the killing is recreational.
Also, many argue that human/deer conflicts are not the fault of the deer, but are the fault of humans who take habitat from the deer.
Hunting is unnecessary because the deer population is self-regulate
Approximately 100 people die in hunting accidents in the United States every year, so hunting is danger activity .

ArgumentsIn favor of huntingHunters argue that hunting is a tradition, a ritual or a bonding experience.Hunters also

Слайд 3The hunting debate may never be resolved.

The two sides will

continue to debate safety, effectiveness, and cost, but will probably

never agree on the ethics of killing wild animals for food or recreation.


The hunting debate may never be resolved.The two sides will continue to debate safety, effectiveness, and cost,

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