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Impulse responseThe impulse response of the system, denoted by g(t) is the transient output response y of the system when its input is fed with an ideal Dirac impulse u(t) =

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1LECTURE 3

dr inż. Adam Kurnicki
Automation and Metrology Department
Room no 210A



LECTURE 3dr inż. Adam KurnickiAutomation and Metrology DepartmentRoom no 210AAUTOMATICS and AUTOMATIC CONTROL

Слайд 2Impulse response
The impulse response of the system, denoted by g(t)

is the transient output response y of the system when

its input is fed with an ideal Dirac impulse u(t) = δ(t)

u(t) = δ(t)

y(t) = g(t)

For linear system with transfer function:

When :

u(t) = δ(t)

then :

Impulse responseThe impulse response of the system, denoted by g(t) is the transient output response y of

Слайд 3Example: RC circuit:

Impulse response

Example: RC circuit: Impulse response

Слайд 4Step response
The step response of the system, denoted by h(t)

is the transient output response y of the system when

its input is fed with a unit step signal u(t) = 1(t)

u(t) = 1(t)

y(t) = h(t)

For linear system with transfer function:

When :

u(t) = 1(t)

then :

Step responseThe step response of the system, denoted by h(t) is the transient output response y of

Слайд 5Example: RC circuit:

Step response
After partial fractions decomposition :
Initial and

final value of step response?

Example: RC circuit: Step responseAfter partial fractions decomposition :Initial and final value of step response?

Слайд 6Step response versus impulse response

Step response versus impulse response ⇒ ⇒

Слайд 7Device for an experimental obtaining the step response:
Step response

Device for an experimental obtaining the step response:Step response

Слайд 8Frequency response is the quantitative measure of the output spectrum

of a system or device in response to a stimulus,

and is used to characterize the dynamics of the system. It is a measure of amplitude and phase of the output as a function of frequency, in comparison to the input.

Frequency responses

u(t) = Asin(ωt)

y(t) = Bsin(ωt+φ)

If a sine wave is injected into a system at a given frequency, a linear system will respond at that same frequency with a certain amplitude and a certain phase angle relative to the input


- angular frequency

Frequency response is the quantitative measure of the output spectrum of a system or device in response

Слайд 9Frequency responses


Frequency responses⇒  where:

Слайд 10Frequency responses
Nyquist plot - the graph of the frequency respons

with coordinates P(ω) = Re [G(j ω)] and Q(ω) =

Im [G(j ω)]
Frequency responsesNyquist plot - the graph of the frequency respons with coordinates P(ω) = Re [G(j ω)]

Слайд 11Frequency responses
Nyquist plot - EXAMPLE

Frequency responsesNyquist plot - EXAMPLE⇒

Слайд 12Frequency responses
Bode plots - present the frequency characteristics separetely in

the form of:
a) magnitude:


b) phase:

Frequency responsesBode plots - present the frequency characteristics separetely in the form of:a) magnitude:

Слайд 13Frequency responses
Bode plots - EXAMPLE

Frequency responsesBode plots - EXAMPLE⇒

Слайд 14Frequency responses
Device for an experimental obtaining the frequency response characteristics:

Frequency responsesDevice for an experimental obtaining the frequency response characteristics:

Слайд 15Frequency responses
Bode plots – objects connected in series
magnitude plot:
phase plot:

Frequency responsesBode plots – objects connected in seriesmagnitude plot:phase plot:

Слайд 16Frequency responses
Bode plots – objects connected in series EXAMPLE


Frequency responsesBode plots – objects connected in series EXAMPLE⇒ EXERCISE:



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