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B etween Parents and KidsProbles

It takes time and effort to nurture the parent-child relationship. As Barbara Frazier, licensed social worker and editor of the online parent resource The Successful Parent, explains, the quality of the

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Слайд 1Between Parents and KidsProbles
Prepared Student group A-11 Paladiy O.O.

Between Parents and KidsProbles Prepared Student group A-11 Paladiy O.O.

Слайд 2It takes time and effort to nurture the parent-child relationship.

As Barbara Frazier, licensed social worker and editor of the

online parent resource The Successful Parent, explains, the quality of the relationship between parents and their children is often threatened by long, non-traditional work hours and the influence of social media. Spending more quality time with your child, engaged in activity or conversation, can help mend a troubled relationship.
It takes time and effort to nurture the parent-child relationship. As Barbara Frazier, licensed social worker and

Слайд 3Poor Communication
Research conducted by scholars at the Virginia Cooperative Extension

shows that effective communication is essential in building a strong

parent-child relationship. Effective communication involves both speaking and listening to what others have to say.
Poor CommunicationResearch conducted by scholars at the Virginia Cooperative Extension shows that effective communication is essential in

Слайд 4Parents of young children can effectively communicate with their children

by inquiring about events in their lives and using play

activities to strengthen communication. Adolescents can benefit from instructional, yet empathetic, discussions with parents, and they may resist parental communication that is overly authoritarian.

Parents of young children can effectively communicate with their children by inquiring about events in their lives

Слайд 6Lack of Attention
A lack of attention can cause problems, including

displays of acting-out behaviors, in the parent-child relationship, says child

development assistant specialist Deborah Richardson at Oklahoma State University's Cooperative Extension. Acting out includes the demonstration of disruptive behaviors, such as violence toward others and defiance toward authority. Improved communication and quality time spent between you and your child can decrease these behaviors and enhance your relationship.
Lack of AttentionA lack of attention can cause problems, including displays of acting-out behaviors, in the parent-child

Слайд 10Disciplinary Issues
Parents may experience significant challenges when using discipline to

redirect teenage misbehavior.

Disciplinary IssuesParents may experience significant challenges when using discipline to redirect teenage misbehavior.

Слайд 11The American Psychological Association agrees that adolescence can be a

frustrating time for both parents and teens, as parents realize

that old disciplinary strategies no longer work, and teens struggle to balance their need for independence alongside parental rules. Parents can use disciplinary strategies that teach their teens how to make wise choices as they become more independent, as opposed to simply utilizing strategies designed to keep teens compliant.

The American Psychological Association agrees that adolescence can be a frustrating time for both parents and teens,

Слайд 12Lack of Mutual Respect
John Peterson, Psy.D., a family psychologist, believes

that many parent-child relationships break down because of the power

struggles that revolve around respect. Peterson believes that while many parents are fixated on the idea that their child automatically show respect to authority figures, some parents have not learned to treat their children with the same desired respect. A focus on cooperation, not compliance, is what Peterson suggests is a viable approach to establishing a mutually respectful relationship between parent and child.
Lack of Mutual RespectJohn Peterson, Psy.D., a family psychologist, believes that many parent-child relationships break down because

Слайд 14Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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