Разделы презентаций

b y Lesly Gastelum

An animal that symbolizes evil and bad luck and is witch’s pet.a) bat b) owl c) black cat

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1by Lesly Gastelum

by Lesly Gastelum

Слайд 2An animal that symbolizes evil and bad luck and is

witch’s pet.
a) bat
b) owl

c) black cat
An animal that symbolizes evil and bad luck and is witch’s pet.a) bat   b) owl

Слайд 3A hollowed out pumpkin with a face cut in one

side and a candle put inside.

a) Jack-o-lantern
b) Tom-o-lantern
c) Miss Pumpkin

A hollowed out pumpkin with a face cut in one side and a candle put inside.a) Jack-o-lanternb)

Слайд 4A small creature that catches insects in a web.

a) rat

c) frog

A small creature that catches insects in a web.a) ratb) spiderc) frog

Слайд 5A monster that goes out of control and is dangerous.


b) Spiderman
c) Harry Potter

A monster that goes out of control and is dangerous.a) Frankensteinb) Spidermanc) Harry Potter

Слайд 6A large round metal container used for cooking over fire.

b) pot
c) cauldron

A large round metal container used for cooking over fire.a) panb) potc) cauldron

Слайд 7A pointed covering for the head that witches wear.

a) witch

b) witch cap
c) witch crown

A pointed covering for the head that witches wear.a) witch hatb) witch capc) witch crown

Слайд 8Sweet food made of sugar.

a) cake
b) candies
c) biscuits

Sweet food made of sugar.a) cakeb) candiesc) biscuits

Слайд 9Nocturnal small animals that look like mice with wings.

a) rats

c) owls

Nocturnal small animals that look like mice with wings.a) ratsb) batsc) owls

Слайд 10A spirit of a dead person represented as a pale,

transparent image.

a) skeleton
b) mummy
c) ghost


A spirit of a dead person represented as a pale,     transparent image.a) skeletonb)

Слайд 11A woman with evil magic powers.
a) fairy
b) wizard
c) witch

A woman with evil magic powers.a) fairyb) wizardc) witch

Слайд 12Large round vegetables with hard orange skin.

a) eggplants
b) courgette
c) pumpkins

Large round vegetables with hard orange skin.a) eggplantsb) courgettec) pumpkins

Слайд 13A typical Halloween character that is a vampire.

a) Werewolf

b) Dracula
c) Troll

A typical Halloween character that is a vampire.	 a) Werewolf	 b) Dracula	 c) Troll

Слайд 14A frame of bones that supports a human body.

a) ghost

c) skeleton

A frame of bones that supports a human body.a) ghostb) zombiec) skeleton

Слайд 15Children dress up frightening costumes and visit people’s homes to

demand sweets.

apple bobbing
trick or treat
c) strolling

Children dress up frightening costumes and visit people’s homes to demand sweets.apple bobbing trick or treatc) strolling

Слайд 16A person who changes for periods of time into a

wolf, typically when there is a full moon.

A person who changes for periods of time into a wolf, typically when there is a full

Слайд 17A brush on the end of a long handle that

witches use to fly.

a) wire brush

b) broom
c) mop

A brush on the end of a long handle that witches use to fly.   a)

Слайд 18A large grave, built of stone.
a) coffin

b) sarcophagus
c) tomb

A large grave, built of stone.	  a) coffin	  b) sarcophagus	  c) tomb

Слайд 19A dead person who is able to move because of



A dead person who is able to move because of magic.deathzombievampire

Слайд 20An object that is set up to frighten birds away

from crops.


An object that is set up to frighten birds away from crops.werewolfFrankensteinscarecrow

Слайд 21The End

The End

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