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Baimukhan Erzhan tema : Abylai khan Tarikh 18-11 2 kurs

Abylay Khan (real name Abulmansur) was the 18th Khan of the Kazakh khanate, who ruled in 1771-1781. One of the great khans in the history of the Kazakh Horde. In 1930,

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Слайд 1Baimukhan Erzhan tema: Abylai khan Tarikh 18-11 2 kurs

Baimukhan Erzhan tema: Abylai khan  Tarikh 18-11 2 kurs

Слайд 2Abylay Khan (real name Abulmansur) was the 18th Khan of

the Kazakh khanate, who ruled in 1771-1781. One of the

great khans in the history of the Kazakh Horde. In 1930, a monument to AK-Orda was opened in the city. Ablay is also a direct descendant of the rulers of Urus Khan, Barak Khan, AZ-Zhanibek. Ablay Khan is a unique personality in the history of the Kazakh people, the ancestor of kenesara Khan.

Abylay Khan

Abylay Khan (real name Abulmansur) was the 18th Khan of the Kazakh khanate, who ruled in 1771-1781.

Слайд 3Biography

Abylay is the fifth generation of Zhangir Khan, a friend

of Rahmet. Have Zhangir Khan has two sons- - Alibaby,

Tauke. When Zhangir died and repented to the throne, Ualibaki flew to the khanate, grandfather-grandfather Kaip Khan. The son of alibata Ablay, leaving the fight, became a warrior who was not an enemy, and canister Ablay. From this Ablai the artistic Vali is born. In the years of" Aktaban shubyryndy " son Abulmansur (then Ablay Khan in Kazakh) remained an orphan, and uysun came into the hands of Tole bi. CX-depletion galachian shades, looking at him with hair growth Tole "Shaggy", that they put teesn batyrali. Abulmambet-round. This, according to CH. Valikhanov, should be the 13-year period of Abylay. Abylai Khan was greatly influenced by the upbringing of Tole bi. Due to the fact that in the period from 1 to 30 April 2014 in Almaty was held the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among boys and girls 1996-1997 and 1998-1999 in Almaty was held the championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in weightlifting among boys and girls 1996-1997 and 1998-1999 In addition, the life experience, which he saw since childhood, contributed to the early intervention of Abylay in the life of the country. According to major representatives of oral literature Bukhara, Umbeteyskih Zhyrau, etc., Abylay known at the age of twenty courage at the front. This indicates that the bull-Ablai said: "When you reached the age of twenty, on a Golden pedestal of snow-white bird's nest."
BiographyAbylay is the fifth generation of Zhangir Khan, a friend of Rahmet. Have Zhangir Khan has two

Слайд 4Abylay Khan
18th Khan of the Kazakh khanate
The predecessor of the

Han Abulmambet
Follower of Kenesary Khan
Khan of Middle Zhuz
The predecessor of

the Han Abulmambet
Follower of Wali Khan
Born 1711
Turkestan, Kazakhstan
Death 1781
The Mausoleum Of Khoja Ahmed Yassaui, Turkestan
Dynasty Ordiance
Name at birth Abylmansur
Ualibaki's father is the Sultan
Wife Ms. Karashash
Children of Wali Khan
Sultan Kasim
Ser. "fauna of Kazakhstan"
Adil Sultan (a total of 30 boys, 40 girls)
Abylay KhanPositionThat	18th Khan of the Kazakh khanate1771-1781The predecessor of the Han AbulmambetFollower of Kenesary KhanKhan of Middle

Слайд 5Jungar aggression

In one battle from 1730 to 33 years, a

previously unknown young man Abulmansur went to battle and killed

Sharysh, a close relative of the main character of Kalmyk, kontaish Kaldan Seren (in some sources, the groom). After the war, Abulmansur, who summoned his elder father's aruag, with a cautious name to the enemy, was recognized as the Sultan of the Middle Zhuz and became one of the most authoritative rulers of the Kazakh steppe. In recent years, the name of Abilmansur was forgotten and is named Abilia.

Due to the fact that twenty years of Abylay coincided with what year, we can assume in what battle he participated. This, of course, is not the first war in which Abylay participated. The history of the country, historical zhyry indicate that participation in the campaigns-artware composed bogenbaya groups. Even if he did not participate in the battle of Anirakai, he does not argue with one major battle of Abylai 1730-33g. from historical sources it is known that between the middle Zhuz and Dzungars in 1730 and in 1731 there were several large battles. In 1732, more than 7 thousand troops of Dzungars attacked the settlements of the Eastern edge of the Middle Zhuz and faced pressure. Twenty years of Ablay Khan coincided with 1733, namely in Chinese sources was the great front between the Kazakh and Kalmykia. Abylay's military activity, command ability was manifested in the battles of the 30-40s. On the same day, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers, Afghan soldiers... which illustrates. Famous Kazakh batyrs take part in it: karakerey Kabanbay, Kanzhygaly Bogenbay, Shakshak Zhanibek, Karakalpak Kylyshbek, Shapyrashty Nauryzbay and others. This is also proof that Abylay was able to unite the Kazakh people against the enemy. Gradually, all the orders that are in the ulus pass through the granddaughter of AZ-Tauke Khan Abulmambet Khan and passed into the hands of Abylay. Abulmambet, who had assumed the courage and wisdom of Abylai, remained an appropriate senior Advisor and confined himself to the degree of Advisor to the Khan. In the late 30s of the XVIII century, the name Abylay in the documents known to us is called along with Abulmambet Khan. "In 1739, instead of Sameke Khan in the middle Zhuz, Khan led the Khan's power with Abulmambet and Abulmambet," A. Levshin wrote. Sh. Valikhanov also supports this opinion.
Jungar aggressionIn one battle from 1730 to 33 years, a previously unknown young man Abulmansur went to

Слайд 6Bust of Ablai Khan in the hog
The image of Abylay

Khan on the banknotes

Bust of Ablai Khan in the hogThe image of Abylay Khan on the banknotes

Слайд 7Kokshetau city Abylai Khan square.

Kokshetau city Abylai Khan square.

Слайд 8Memory of Abylay Khan

In Almaty, the Kazakh University

of international relations and world languages (former Kazakh state teachers

' Institute of foreign languages) is named after him.
After Kazakhstan gained independence in 1991, one of the main avenues of Almaty (Communist Avenue) was renamed Abylai Khan Avenue, and it was crowned by an equestrian monument to Khan on the square of Almaty-2 station.
On the first national currency of Kazakhstan on a banknote of 100 tenge (sample 1993) placed his portrait.
The postage stamp of independent Kazakhstan, 2001 is dedicated to Abylai Khan.
Based on Abylay's biography, the first Kazakh blockbuster "Koshpendiler" (in the American box office "the Nomad", in the Russian — "Nomad"), directed by Ivan Passer/Sergey Bodrov, 2005, was shot.
In August 2008, in Petropavlovsk, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev opened the Museum complex "Residence of Abylay Khan" with a bronze equestrian monument to Khan.
A monument to Abylai Khan was erected in Kokshetau (Akmola region).
Memory of Abylay Khan  In Almaty, the Kazakh University of international relations and world languages (former

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