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Battle of Antietam

BattleDeployment of forcesSeptember 15 General Lee has placed all its available forces at Sharpsburg (Eng.) Russian., On the gentle hills near the river entity Creek. It was a comfortable position, but

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Слайд 1Battle of Antietam

Battle of Antietam

Слайд 2Battle

Deployment of forces

September 15 General Lee has placed all its

available forces at Sharpsburg (Eng.) Russian., On the gentle hills

near the river entity Creek. It was a comfortable position, but it

was hardly impregnable. The river was a minor obstacle: it was 18-30 meters in width, and through it were several fords and stone bridges.

The danger was in the fact that behind the Confederate Army was the Potomac River with a single crossing (Botelers-Ford). September 15 at the disposal of General Lee was

a total of 18 000 people, a third of all the Confederate army.

The first two federal divisions appeared at noon on September 15 and the rest of the army - in the evening. Longstreet recalled:

Their number is still increasing, blue sea grew more and more, until it took the entire space, which could cover only look, and a huge army of McClellan

captivated the valley from mountain peaks to the shores of the creek. The sight of these mighty forces of inspire awe.
If the feds attacked the morning of the 16th, they would have had an overwhelming numerical advantage, but the legendary cautious McClellan - who decided that Lee's army 100,000

people - has led to the fact that the attack was postponed for a day. This enabled the southerners better to strengthen its position. In addition, the housing Longstreet had come out of Hagerstown,

Jackson and the body (excluding division Hill) - come from Harpers Ferry. Jackson is now defending the left flank, which rested on the Potomac, and Longstreet - right, south, which

rested in the entity. The entire defensive line stretches for 6 kilometers.

On the field at Danker Church was posted harried battles hungry Confederate division Hood. An hour before sunset on September 16 housing Feds Hooker crossed the river and entered the entity

exchanged fire with teams Hood, which lasted till night. After the battle, Hood asked Jackson to send the replacement of his division and give it at least a night out to make himself

food. Jackson immediately dispatched a team of Lawton, Trimble and Hayes. "He demanded, however, that I came back as soon as required," later recalled Hood.

The evening attack in some sense betrayed intentions McClellan. Lee realized that we should expect the attack was on the left flank, and threw back a portion of their forces. At the same time he

sent messengers to Harpers Ferry to the Hill and Maklouzu, announcing that they urgently need at Sharpsburg.
BattleDeployment of forcesSeptember 15 General Lee has placed all its available forces at Sharpsburg (Eng.) Russian., On

Слайд 5September 17. morning

Attack I Corps, 5:30 - 7:30 am
The battle

began at dawn, about 5:30, 17 September, I attack the

federal body of Joseph Hooker. Hooker moved to the plateau that housed "Dunker Church" (Eng. Dunker

Church), a building owned by the German Baptist church. Hooker had approximately 8,600 people, slightly more than that of Jackson (7700), but this slight advantage was reduced

for there is no strong defensive positions Southerners (Mal writes about 12,500 at Hooker and Jackson 4000).

Ebner Dabldeya Division advanced on the right flank, the division of James Rickett - on the left, and the Pennsylvania division of George Mead in the center and slightly to the rear. Jackson stood in

Defense Division Lawton and Jones. Four brigades Jackson kept in reserve [citation needed 308 days.

12-pound "Napoleon" was the most popular instrument of Antietam: 27 guns from the Army of the South, and 108 from the Army of the North
As soon as the first Union soldiers appeared in a cornfield, began an artillery duel. Confederate batteries fired from the west Jeb Stuart and four batteries

Colonel Stephen Lee Heights in the south Dunker Church. Feds meet with nine batteries for Northwood Ridge and four batteries of 20-pounder Parrott rifle with 3 positions

kilometers east of the entity Creek. Shootout caused substantial losses to both sides.

Noticing Confederate soldiers in a cornfield, Hooker ordered to pull artillery and cover the field grapeshot volleys. I Pennsylvanian team Mead (Brigadier General Truman

Seymour) began to move through the forest Eastwood and entered into a gunfight with a team alabamtsev, dzhordzhiantsev and severokarolintsev General James Walker. Once the team

Walker threw back the northerners, Division Rickett entered the cornfield, but was repulsed by artillery fire.

Federal brigade Abram Duriez came directly under the volley dzhordzhianskoy Brigade, Colonel Marcellus Douglass. Once under the impact fire from a distance of 230 meters and

received reinforcements, Durieux began to retreat.

September 17. morningAttack I Corps, 5:30 - 7:30 amThe battle began at dawn, about 5:30, 17 September,

Слайд 6Expected Duriez reinforcements - a brigade Hartsuffa and Christian. They

did not manage to go to the battlefield, as Hartsuff

was wounded and left the field in general Christian

battlefield. When the teams were built and moved on the field, they came all the same intense artillery and rifle fire. Brigade "Louisiana Tigers" Harry T. Hays

threw them into the attack and knocked them to Eastwood. 12th Massachusetts Regiment suffered on that day the heaviest losses - 67% of its composition. The brigade also came under Hayes

artillery fire and retreated from the field. Of the 500 people on the team 323 perished.

Luiziantsy Brigade soldiers after the battle in Starke Dunker Church. Photo by Alexander Gardner, September 1862
Attack of the Iron Brigade at the Battle of Antietam
In the area of cornfield northerners offensive stalled, but a few hundred yards east of their business was more successful. 4th Brigade Gibbon ("Iron Brigade" of

Division Dabldeya) was able to drop soldiers Jackson. But they were stopped by soldiers of the brigade attack in 1150 Starke, who opened fire on them from a distance of 30 meters. intense

Iron fire brigade stopped the attack, moreover, was mortally wounded himself, General Stark. Feds resumed the offensive and managed to break through the defensive line of Jackson,

so the whole defense Southerners on this site could collapse at any moment. Despite heavy losses, the body Hooker confidently move forward.

However, about 7:00 Southerners were reinforced: the division Maklouza and Anderson came out of Harpers Ferry. Around 07:15 General Lee sent dzhordzhiantsev Anderson from the right

flank to help Jackson.

Meanwhile, Jackson was no longer any of its parts, but he thought of the Texas Division Hood and ordered them to attack the advancing units Hooker. Hood Brigade, participated in the

evening shootout and had not time to sleep and prepare your own meals. "... An officer from the headquarters of Lawton rushed to me and said:" General Lawton sends his congratulations and

asks you to come to support him. "Sounded: "To arms!" And my soldiers were again forced to go into battle, leaving the camp all the uncooked food. "

Texans entered the cornfield and opened fire on northerners who have considered themselves the victors. Brigade Gibbon, Phelps and Hoffman were disorganized and instantly

began to retreat. However, the Texans had too little (2000), and they also lost the organization. Especially hard had 1st Texas regiment, which has come under fire

Pennsylvanians and retreated, losing banner. 226 soldiers from the regiment were killed 186. Losses in other regiments Hood were also high: 5th Texas Regiment lost 86 out of 175, 4th

Texas - 100 of 200. Subsequently, General Lee Hood said: "My division was almost wiped off the face of the earth."
Expected Duriez reinforcements - a brigade Hartsuffa and Christian. They did not manage to go to the

Слайд 8Division Hood died halfway, but she stopped and forced to

retreat Dabldeya Rickett and Mead. As a result, at 7

am 12,000th body northerners was defeated and lost

combat capability. Corps lost 2,470 killed and wounded, including General Hooker. In the body there are about 7,000 people.

Then Hooker sent an offensive Mansfield XII Corps, which numbered 7,200 people. Mansfield himself was almost immediately killed by a stray bullet and took command of Alpheus

Williams. Hooker gave him orders just before he was wounded.

XII Corps launched an attack. Green Division entered the Eastwood briefly detained, the soldiers met resistance Lawton and Daniel Hill, but the federal artillery helped

Greene break the resistance of the Confederates. By this time, the division Lawton practically ceased to exist, were injured, many generals and colonels himself Lawton. he passed

command of the division Dzhubalu Earley, who temporarily handed over his brigade William Smith. Federal XII Corps went Eastwood and went to the cornfield. Here he met

remnants of the division Hood, who began to retreat, firing. Green went on a plateau at Danker Church. Simultaneously published in the cornfield federal division Sedgwick (5400

people; following with her French's division lost on the way).

Green was very close to capture Dunker Church, but at this point it attacked last reserve the Confederate left flank - Brigade Jubal Early. In Earley was little chance of

success, but he was able to stop the Feds. At that time, about 7:30, came Maklouza division. Reinforced while moving another brigade, the division had 6,500

people. It was the last reserve of General Lee.

Maklouz deployed troops to the battle line and attacked the federal division of Green. Inexperienced soldiers XII Corps fled. Continuing the offensive, attacking Maklouz

the right flank of the division Sedgwick. First ran Philadelphia Brigade Howard, then the rest of the brigade. McClellan later describe it as follows: "Going into the woods

west of the road and throwing the enemy front line came under musket fire from the enemy fortifications and batteries on the hill. At the same time a large column of the enemy was able to

Green push the division and went to the rear and flank division Sedgwick. "On this occasion, Earley later remarked that earthworks during the battle was not built only on their

next day, fearing a repetition of attacks.

Northerners are no longer tried to attack the Confederate left flank, and the battle ended on this site.
Division Hood died halfway, but she stopped and forced to retreat Dabldeya Rickett and Mead. As a

Слайд 9September 17. day

Attacks XII and II Corps, 9:00 - 13:00

noon, the main burden fell on the center line of

the Confederacy. Sumner supported housing division Sedgwick morning attack, but French's division lost and somehow

headed south, and now French wanted to quickly join the battle. In front of him was the weakest portion of the Confederate defense, only 2,500 people (team and Colquitt

Rhodes), less than half of French's division, but their positions were strong. Their right flank stood along the "road flooded" Sunken Road (Eng. Sunken road), which was a

something like a natural trench [i 4].

At 9:30 began classical French bayonet charge in the spirit of the Napoleonic Wars: three of his team built a tower, reached the line and turned in three consecutive lines.

Weber was the first team, then neobstrelyannyh team Morella, for her - a team Kimball. With uncharged muskets and fixed bayonets, a marching band music, they

went on the attack.

Banners waving over them, not yet faded from the dust and smoke of battle - wrote Colonel Gordon - Bayonets glittered in the sun like silver Cleaned, a clear step by holding

alignment, both on the parade, this magnificent structure was moving up to the attack by uterine roar of drums ...

Impact was mainly on brigade Rhodes. Colonel John Gordon guessed that the enemy comes with uncharged guns and ordered his men to let the enemies as possible

close "to each bullet has done its job." After letting the enemy so close that eagles were visible on the buttons, Gordon ordered "Fire!". The effect of this salvo "was ...

terrifying. The entire front line, with rare exceptions, was smetena.I before the rear line recovered from the shock, my people enthusiastically jumped to his feet and opened

fire on the enemy. "Morella brigade immediately departed, keeping order. Northerners were huge losses, while the regiment Gordon did not get a single scratch. brigade

Kimball and Weber retreated to the starting line, regrouped and went on the attack again. Total French undertook 4 attacks, and only then ordered to charge the rifle and

open fire. All during these attacks French lost 1,750 of its 5,700.
September 17. dayAttacks XII and II Corps, 9:00 - 13:00At noon, the main burden fell on the

Слайд 10Both sides received reinforcements, and at 10:30 Robert E. Lee

sent to the aid of Daniel Hill his last reserve

- Division Richard Anderson, around 3,400 people. She had to

strengthen the line Hill, extend it to the right and to prepare for the attack on the left flank of the French's. However, at this time on the left appeared a French division of Israel Richardson

about 4,000 people. This was the last of the three divisions of Sumner, which previously stood in the rear as a reserve.

Irish Brigade led the attack Thomas Meagher. They marched under the banner of emerald green, and the regimental chaplain William Corby traveled down the line, promising going on

Death absolution. Brigade stood under enemy fire for 40 minutes, 570 people lost and retreated. Richardson then sent forward a brigade of John Caldwell, and this

time attack went well. General Richard Anderson was injured at the beginning of the fight, left the battle and other officers: George Anderson was injured and John Gordon. Rhodes was

wounded in the thigh, but did not leave the battlefield. Left with little or no commanders Division Anderson began to move away. Brigade Caldwell walked right wing confederate lines.

Colonel Francis Barlow, advancing at the head of 350 people from 61 th and 64 th New York regiments, noticed a weak point in the defense of the enemy and captured the site Sunken Road, opening

enfilade fire on the enemy trenches.

We shot them out like sheep in the pen, - later recalled soldiers northerner - if the first bullet flies past, it could ricochet from the wall of the ravine, and then still hit.

Southerners, who died at the Sunken Road

To save flank, Rhodes ordered James Lightfoot (successor General Gordon) curved line of defense, but Lightfoot misunderstood orders, and part of it began to recede, which

led to the retreat and rest Brigade regiments. Line of defense collapsed, Southerners began to retreat to Sharpsburg.

People Richardson began to pursue the retreating enemy, but came under massive artillery bombardment, hastily organized Longstreet. "Fortunately for Southerners

Longstreet was at the right time and right place. He ordered his staff officers dismount and become the guns. While the general himself kept his aides horses and orderlies,

those charged gun and fired at the enemy, literally without giving him an opportunity to lean out of the crest of the hill. "Fire were only two guns, but they forced the feds move.
Both sides received reinforcements, and at 10:30 Robert E. Lee sent to the aid of Daniel Hill

Слайд 11Daniel Hill personally led 200 men in a counterattack on

the left flank of the enemy near the Sunken Road,

but was repulsed a counter-attack of the 5th New Hampshire Regiment. now defense

center no longer existed, and the division of Richardson had before him an open field. No one could stop the offensive of the federal army, but there was no one to attack. division

Richardson has lost about 1,000 people and continue the attack could not. Colonel Barlow was wounded, and most importantly, himself Richardson was injured and was sent to the rear.

Took command Winfield Hancock, who was a very capable divisional commander, but because of the change of command right moment was missed.

Fight for the 700-meter stretch of the Sunken Road lasted from 9:30 to 13:00 and claimed the lives of 5,600 people: 3,000 northerners and southerners in 2600 (according toK. Malyu - 1500 [24]).

For northerners began this fight huge missed opportunity. If they used their success in the center of the army Lee would be cut in half and destroyed by chastyam.Neobhodimye forces for this

were: reserve in 3500 cavalry and 10,300 infantry from V Corps under General Porter was very close, VI Corps (12,000people) was on its way. Major General William Franklin was even willing to

intervene, but Sumner ordered him not to show initiative. Franklin addressed directly to the Makklelanu, who personally came to understand the situation, but, for unclear reasons, commander

in chief took the side of Sumner. Later that same day, Gen. George Sykes (commander of the 2nd Division V Corps) proposed Makklelanu repeat the attack center, to which Major General Fitz

John Porter (commander of the 5th housing), according to him, said Makklelanu: "Remember, General, I command the last reserve of the last Army of the Republic." This statement caused

McClellan thought, and another chance was missed.

Daniel Hill personally led 200 men in a counterattack on the left flank of the enemy near

Слайд 12September 17. evening

Offensive IX Corps, 10:00 - 16:30
Now the main

events took place on the south side of the battlefield.

Plan B. McClellan meant offensive IX Corps under General Burnside to divert Confederate and

support housing Hooker. However, Burnside was told to wait for the order, and the order did not come until 10:00. Burnside idle all this time.

At Burnside was 4 divisions - 12,000 people and 50 guns (Mal mentions 13,500 people). Opposing him strength were seriously weakened when Lee threw some of them

on the left flank. At dawn there were divisions Jones and Walker, but by 10:00 the division was withdrawn Walker and Anderson's brigade. Now Jones had only 3,000 people and 12 guns,

that and had to resist the body Burnside. The four teams held a hill near Sharpsburg, mainly flat plateau known as Cemetery Hill.

The remaining 400 (2nd and 20th regiments dzhordzhianskie Robert Toombs) with two artillery batteries defended Rorbahsky bridge trёhprolёtny 38-meter-long stone bridge,

which went down in history as a bridge Burnside. The bridge was a serious obstacle. Leading to it was a road along the river and is well exposed to fire. On the west is the 30-meter

hill, strewn with boulders from an old quarry, which was the perfect hiding place for infantry and artillery defending the bridge.

Realizing that take the bridge frontal attack will not be easy, Burnside sent a division Rodman bypass to strike the right Toombs County. In order not to lose time, Burnside decided all

same attack on the forehead. First team went into battle Kruk, but quickly retreated with heavy losses. Then went into battle brigade of the division Nagle Sturgis, but their attack


Never before has the power of defense armed infantry rifles has not been demonstrated so vividly and convincingly: 400 people who have taken a good position, for three hours

held the line against the 13,000th body, and he was completely powerless to do anything about it.

When the division Rodman finally got into position to attack, began the third attempt to seize the bridge. From the front, advancing the 9th, 51th New York and 51th Pennsylvania regiments. K

this time dzhordzhiantsy Toombs County had already shot all the bullets. Came under attack from the front and flank, they retreated. Now housing Burnside went straight to the weakening of
the right

flank the Confederate army and Lee was threatened - to reflect the federal attack was nothing.
September 17. eveningOffensive IX Corps, 10:00 - 16:30Now the main events took place on the south side

Слайд 13However, the onset of IX Corps halted. Division Sturgis shot

almost all of the charges, and it was decided to

replace her division Wilcox. Only three in the afternoon was

formed a battle line: Right Division Wilcox (team Christa, Welsh and Crook), left the brigade Harland, Fairchild and Skemmona. 8,000 people, with 22 guns. these two

fresh divisions opposed exhausted and weakened Division David Jones: in fact, only teams Kemper and Drayton. When northerners began to advance, they immediately start

depart. At 15:30 division Wilcox entered the outskirts of Sharpsburg.

Wu Li was no more reserves, but at this very moment in the south there was a division in blue uniform, which was first adopted for federal, but turned out to be a division Ambrose

Hill, who came back at 15:30 from the Harpers Ferry. Hill immediately (at 15:40), launched in the division line and attacked the left flank of the IX Corps - South Carolina brigade Maxi

Gregg struck on the 16th Connecticut Regiment Rodman division commander was killed almost immediately. First took flight crew Harland, and behind it and the gang

Skemmona. IX Corps lost about 20% of its composition, but still twice the size of the enemy numerically. But federal crews began to retreat to the bridge. They still had

opportunity to repeat the attack, and Burnside asked the McClellan reinforcements, but he decided not to risk it, even though he was in the reserve corps Porter and Franklin. At 17:00 the battle

Was completed.

When the fight was already calmed down and Confederate generals gathered for the meeting, federal bullet sniper was killed on the spot, Brigadier General Lawrence O'Brien Branch of the

Division E. Hill.
However, the onset of IX Corps halted. Division Sturgis shot almost all of the charges, and it

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