Водорослей имеют клеточную стенку из целлюлозы и различных гликопротеинов. Включения дополнительных полисахаридов имеют таксономическое значение.
Диатомовые водоросли имеют клеточную стенку из кремнезёма.
Разнообразие строения клеточных оболочек
Клеточные оболочки архей
Клеточная оболочка грибов
A) Predicted structure of the diatom silicic acid transporter
( C. fusiformis ) comprising ten transmembrane domains (TM1–TM10).
The position of the coiled coil region is indicated. According to ref.
225 with modifications. (B) Model of SIT-mediated silicon transport.
The sequential conformational changes of the silicon transporter occur-
ring during silicic acid transport are shown. (i) Binding of extracellular
silicic acid through hydrogen bonding by two conserved glutamine resi-
dues located in transmembrane segments TM7 and TM8. (ii) Induction
of a conformational change of the transporter allowing binding of silicic
acid to two additional conserved glutamine residues located in the loop
between TM2 and TM3. (iii) Release of silicic acid into the cell and
binding to an unknown cellular component.
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