БАВ - АФК, кинины, биогенные амины – серотонин, гистамин, катехоламины
Инактивация БАВ
Активация ангиотензина
АОЗ (ферментативная и не ферментативная).
Сурфактант, его продукция и контроль.
Picture source: US Food and Drug Administration
Picture source: The New York Times
Emphysema cannot be cured, but treatment may help reduce further lung damage.
Victims of emphysema should
avoid cigarette smoking and air pollution.
promptly treat recurrent colds and infections.
Many victims are helped by drugs, physical therapy, special breathing techniques, and by breathing oxygen-enriched air.
Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) is a phospholipid and the major constituent of pulmonary surfactant.
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