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Strategy is answer for “How” questionsOrganizations need strategies to guide how to achieve objectives and how to pursue the organization's business mission and strategic vision. Strategy making is all about how—how

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Слайд 2Strategy is answer for “How” questions

Organizations need strategies to guide

how to achieve objectives and how to pursue the organization's

business mission and strategic vision. Strategy making is all about how—how to achieve performance targets, how to outcompete rivals, how to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, how to strengthen the enterprise's long-term business position, how to make management's strategic vision for the company a reality. A strategy is needed for the company as a whole, for each business the company is in, and for each functional piece of each business—R&D, purchasing, production, sales and marketing, finance, customer service, information systems, and so on.
Strategy is answer for “How” questionsOrganizations need strategies to guide how to achieve objectives and how to

Слайд 3An organization's strategy evolves over time
The future is too unknowable

for management to plan a company's strategy in advance and

encounter no reason for changing one piece or another as time passes. Reacting and responding to unpredictable happenings in the surrounding environment is a normal and necessary part of the strategy-making process, there is always something new to react to and some new strategic window opening up—whether from new competitive developments, budding trends in buyer needs and expectations, unexpected increases or decreases in costs, mergers and acquisitions among major industry players, new regulations, the raising or lowering of trade barriers, or countless other events that make it desirable to alter first one then another aspect of the present strategy.
This is why the task of crafting strategy is never ending.
An organization's strategy evolves over timeThe future is too unknowable for management to plan a company's strategy

Слайд 4The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Diversified Company)

The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Diversified Company)

Слайд 5The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Diversified Company)
In diversified enterprises, strategies

are initiated at four distinct organization levels. There's a strategy

for the company and all of its business as a wnole (corporate strategy). There's a strategy for each separate business the company has diversified into (business strategy). Then there is a strategy for each specific functional unit within a business (functional strategy)—each business usually has a production strategy, a marketing strategy, a finance strategy, and so on. And, finally, there are still narrower strategies for basic operating units—plants, sales districts and regions, and departments within functional areas (operating strategy).
The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Diversified Company) In diversified enterprises, strategies are initiated at four distinct organization

Слайд 6The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Single Business Company)
In single-business

enterprises, there are only three levels of strategy (business strategy,

functional strategy, and operating strategy).
The Strategy-Making Pyramid ( A Single Business Company) In single-business enterprises, there are only three levels of

Слайд 7Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is the overall managerial game plan for

a diversified company. Corporate strategy extends companywide—an umbrella over all

a diversified company's businesses. It consists of the moves made to establish business positions in different industries and the approaches used to manage the company's group of businesses.
Corporate StrategyCorporate strategy is the overall managerial game plan for a diversified company. Corporate strategy extends companywide—an

Слайд 8Core elements that identify a diversified company's corporate strategy

Core elements that identify a diversified company's corporate strategy

Слайд 9Four initiatives in corporate strategy (1):
Crafting corporate strategy for

a diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:
1. Making the

moves to establish positions in different businesses and achieve diversification. In a diversified company, a key piece of corporate strategy is how many and what kinds of businesses the company should be in - specifically, what industries should the company participate in and whether to enter the industries by starting a new business or acquiring another company (an established leader, an up-and-coming company, or a troubled company with turnaround potential). This piece of corporate strategy establishes whether diversification is based narrowly in a few industries or broadly in many industries and whether the different businesses will be related or unrelated.
Four initiatives in corporate strategy (1):  Crafting corporate strategy for a diversified company involves four kinds

Слайд 10Four initiatives in corporate strategy (2):
Crafting corporate strategy for a

diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:
2. Initiating actions to

boost the combined performance of the businesses the firm has diversified into. As positions are created in the chosen industries, corporate strategy making concentrates on ways to strengthen the long-term competitive positions and profitabilities of the businesses the firm has invested in. Corporate parents can help their business subsidiaries be more successful by financing additional capacity and efficiency improvements, by supplying missing skills and managerial know-how, by acquiring another company in the same industry and merging the two operations into a stronger business, and/or by acquiring new businesses that strongly complement existing businesses. Management's overall strategy for improving companywide performance usually involves pursuing rapid-growth strategies in the most
promising businesses, keeping the other core businesses healthy, initiating turnaround efforts in weak-performing businesses with potential, and divesting businesses that are no longer attractive or that don't fit into management's long-range plans.
Four initiatives in corporate strategy (2):Crafting corporate strategy for a diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:2.

Слайд 11Four initiatives in corporate strategy (3):
Crafting corporate strategy for

a diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:
3. Pursuing ways

to capture the synergy among related business units and turn it into competitive advantage. When a company diversifies into businesses with related technologies, similar operating characteristics, common distribution channels or customers, or some other synergistic relationship, it gains competitive advantage potential not open to a company that diversifies into totally unrelated businesses. Related diversification presents opportunities to transfer skills, share expertise or facilities, and leverage a common brand name, thereby reducing overall costs, strengthening the competitiveness of some of the company's products, or enhancing the capabilities of particular business units—any of which can represent a significant source of competitive advantage and provide a basis for greater overall corporate profitability.
Four initiatives in corporate strategy (3): Crafting corporate strategy for a diversified company involves four kinds of

Слайд 12Four initiatives in corporate strategy (4):

Crafting corporate strategy for a

diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:
4. Establishing investment priorities

and steering corporate resources into the most attractive business units. A diversified company's different businesses are usually not equally attractive from the standpoint of investing additional funds. This facet of corporate strategy making involves channeling resources into areas where earnings potentials are higher and away from areas where they are lower. Corporate strategy may include divesting business units that are chronically poor performers or those in an increasingly unattractive industry. Divestiture frees up unproductive investments for redeployment to promising business units or for financing attractive new acquisitions.
Four initiatives in corporate strategy (4):Crafting corporate strategy for a diversified company involves four kinds of initiatives:4.

Слайд 13Who crafts Corporate strategy
Corporate strategy is crafted at the highest

levels of management. Senior corporate executives normally have lead responsibility

for devising corporate strategy and for choosing among whatever recommended actions bubble up from lower-level managers. Key business-unit heads may also be influential, especially in strategic decisions affecting the businesses they head. Major strategic decisions are usually reviewed and approved by the company's board of directors.
Who crafts Corporate strategyCorporate strategy is crafted at the highest levels of management. Senior corporate executives normally

Слайд 14Business Strategy
The term business strategy refers to the managerial game

plan for a single business. It is mirrored in the

pattern of approaches and moves crafted by management to produce successful performance in one specific line of business. For a single-business company, corporate strategy and business strategy are one and the same since there is only one business to form a strategy for. The distinction between corporate strategy and business strategy is relevant only for diversified firms.
Business StrategyThe term business strategy refers to the managerial game plan for a single business. It is

Слайд 15What is Business Strategy

The central thrust of business strategy is

how to build and strengthen the company's long-term competitive position

in the marketplace. Business strategy is concerned principally with
(1) forming responses to changes under way in the industry, the economy at large, the regulatory and political arena, and other relevant areas,
(2) crafting competitive moves and market approaches that can lead to sustainable competitive advantage,
(3) building competitively valuable competencies and capabilities,
(4) uniting the strategic initiatives of functional departments,
(5) addressing specific strategic issues facing the company's business.
What is Business StrategyThe central thrust of business strategy is how to build and strengthen the company's

Слайд 16Functional Strategy
The term functional strategy refers to the managerial game

plan for a particular functional activity, business process, or key

department within a business.
A company's marketing strategy, for example, represents the managerial game plan for running the marketing part of the business. A company's new product development strategy represents the managerial game plan for keeping the company's product lineup fresh and in tune with what buyers are looking for.
Functional StrategyThe term functional strategy refers to the managerial game plan for a particular functional activity, business

Слайд 17What kinds of functional strategies should be

A company needs a

functional strategy for every competitively relevant business activity and organizational

unit—for R&D, production, marketing, customer service, distribution, finance, human resources, information technology, and so on. Functional strategies, while narrower in scope than business strategies, add relevant detail to the overall business game plan by setting forth the actions, approaches, and practices to be employed in managing a particular functional department or business process or key activity.
What kinds of functional strategies should beA company needs a functional strategy for every competitively relevant business

Слайд 18Roles of functional strategies
The primary role of a functional strategy

is to support the company's overall business strategy and competitive

approach. Well-executed functional strategies give the enterprise competitively valuable competencies, capabilities, and resource strengths. A related role is to create a managerial roadmap for achieving the functional area's objectives and mission.
Thus, functional strategy in the production/manufacturing area represents the game plan for how manufacturing activities will be managed to support business strategy and achieve the manufacturing department's objectives and mission. Functional strategy in the finance area consists of how financial activities will be managed in supporting business strategy and achieving the finance department's objectives and mission.
Roles of functional strategiesThe primary role of a functional strategy is to support the company's overall business

Слайд 19Operating Strategy
Operating strategies concern the even narrower strategic initiatives and

approaches for managing key operating units (plants, sales districts, distribution

centers) and for handling daily operating tasks with strategic significance (advertising campaigns, materials purchasing, inventory control, maintenance, shipping). Operating strategies, while of limited scope, add further detail and completeness to functional strategies and to the overall business plan.
Operating StrategyOperating strategies concern the even narrower strategic initiatives and approaches for managing key operating units (plants,

Слайд 20Who crafts Operating strategy

Lead responsibility for operating strategies is usually

delegated to frontline managers, subject to review and approval by

higher-ranking managers. Even though operating strategy is at the bottom of the strategy-making pyramid, its importance should not be downplayed.
Who crafts Operating strategyLead responsibility for operating strategies is usually delegated to frontline managers, subject to review

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