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CHAL 2 p 30 words Exam listening

Now, let’s talk about films: Do you like going to the cinema? How often do you go? Who do you go with? Which films do you like best? Tell me about

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Слайд 1

Слайд 5Now, let’s talk about films: Do you like going to the

cinema? How often do you go? Who do you go with? Which films

do you like best? Tell me about your favourite film?

Now, let’s talk about birthdays: When is your birthday? How old will you be next April? What do you usually do on your birthday? Tell me about the presents you had on your last birthday?

Now, let’s talk about the evenings: What do you do after school? Who do you play with? What do you have for supper? When do you go to bed? Tell me about your bedroom.

Now, let’s talk about animals: What pets do you or your friends have? What animals have you seen on television? Where else can you see a lot of animals? What is the most interesting animal in the zoo? Tell me about lions.

Now, let’s talk about films: Do you like going to the cinema? How often do you go?

Слайд 6Now, let’s talk about your house: Do you live in the

town or country? Where is your home? Do you live in a

flat or a house? Who lives with you? What is your favourite room? Which is the nicest room in your house? What can you see from the window? Tell me more about your house.

Now, let’s talk about your day: What time do you get up? What do you have for breakfast? Which days do you go to school? How do you get to school? Tell me about your day at school?

Now, let’s talk about different days of the week: What day is it today? What did you do yesterday? How many days of week do you go to school? What is your favourite day? Tel me what do you do on Saturdays. Tell me what do you do on Tuesdays.

Now, let’s talk about what you do after school: What time does school finish? How do you go home from school? What do you eat when you arrive home? What homework do you do in the evenings? Tell me about the other things you do after school.

Now, let’s talk about your house: Do you live in the town or country? Where is your

Слайд 8Hometask

Make grammar Exercises
Listening task!!
Translate sentences from Russian into English

Hometask Make grammar ExercisesListening task!!Translate sentences from Russian into English

Слайд 9work
are you
What time did your plane arrive?
How long have

you lived
won’t be

workare you finishlikeworkWhat time did your plane arrive?How long have you lived won’t be

Слайд 281 Dictation (prep copy) p30
2. Exam task p 54-55
3. Exam

task p 56-57

1 Dictation (prep copy) p302. Exam task p 54-553. Exam task p 56-57

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