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Chapter 7.1

Fleetingly In a way that lasts on a short timeFleetingly, I wondered if I would use my 5 pounds emergency money… (p.153)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Chapter 7.1
Olga Gosteeva

Chapter 7.1Olga Gosteeva18824

Слайд 2Fleetingly
In a way that lasts on a short time

I wondered if I would use my 5 pounds emergency

money… (p.153)
Fleetingly In a way that lasts on a short timeFleetingly, I wondered if I would use my

Слайд 3To Embellish
To make something more attractive by adding something

to it
Afterwards she bounced across the room, repeating it, extending

it, embellishing it. (p.154)
To Embellish To make something more attractive by adding something to itAfterwards she bounced across the room,

Слайд 4Visceral
Based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than

on reason or thought
The noise was visceral and sickening ….

Visceral Based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rather than on reason or thoughtThe noise was visceral

Слайд 5To Splutter
To produce short, unclear noises from your mouth,

especially you cannot breath properly
By my side, Julianne still

hacked and spluttered.. (p.155)
To Splutter To produce short, unclear noises from your mouth, especially you cannot breath properly By my

Слайд 6Dismay
A feeling of unhappiness and disappointment
The warden’s face

showed a moment’s dismay… (p.156)

Dismay A feeling of unhappiness and disappointment The warden’s face showed a moment’s dismay… (p.156)

Слайд 7Improvidence
The quality of not planning carefully and providing for

the future
…denouncing my ingratitude, my improvidence, the laxity of

my morals. (p.159)
Improvidence The quality of not planning carefully and providing for the future …denouncing my ingratitude, my improvidence,

Слайд 8To Forfeit
To lose the right to do or have

sth because you have broken a rule
They forfeited today for

the promise of tomorrow… (p.165)
To Forfeit To lose the right to do or have sth because you have broken a ruleThey

Слайд 9Baleful
Threatening to do something bad or hurt someone
Even Karina,

with her increasingly thickening figure and baleful expression. (p.167)

Baleful Threatening to do something bad or hurt someoneEven Karina, with her increasingly thickening figure and baleful

Слайд 10Sullenly
In a way that is to be angry and

unwilling to smile or be pleasant to people
Sue’s Roger endured

it sullenly. (p.170)
Sullenly In a way that is to be angry and unwilling to smile or be pleasant to

Слайд 11To Appall
To make someone have strong feelings of shock

of disapproval
I was appalled, but secretly gratified. (p.172)

To Appall To make someone have strong feelings of shock of disapprovalI was appalled, but secretly gratified.

Слайд 12Exercise: match the words with their definitions

Exercise: match the words with their definitions

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