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A giraffe is taller than a gorilla.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Comparison


Слайд 2A giraffe is taller than a gorilla.

A giraffe is taller than a gorilla.

Слайд 3A gorilla is taller than a chimpanzee.

A gorilla is taller than a chimpanzee.

Слайд 4The giraffe is the tallest of the three animals.

The giraffe is the tallest of the three animals.

Слайд 5A Rolls Royce is more expensive than a Range Rover.


A Rolls Royce is more expensive than a Range Rover.Ł 74,950

Слайд 6A Range Rover is more expensive than a Mini.
Ł 19,995

A Range Rover is more expensive than a Mini.Ł 19,995

Слайд 7The Rolls Royce is the most expensive of the three


The Rolls Royce is the most expensive of the three cars.

Слайд 8The white T-shirt is a bit cheaper than the yellow


The white T-shirt is a bit cheaper than the yellow one.Ł10.00Ł9.50

Слайд 9The yellow T-shirt is a bit more expensive than the

white one.

The yellow T-shirt is a bit more expensive than the white one.Ł10.00Ł9.50

Слайд 10An iphone 6 is a lot more expensive than a

Nokia 2135.
Ł 499
Ł 50

An iphone 6 is a lot more expensive than a  Nokia 2135.Ł 499Ł 50

Слайд 11A Nokia 2135 is a lot cheaper than an iphone

6 .
Ł 499
Ł 50

A Nokia 2135 is a lot cheaper than  an iphone 6 .Ł 499Ł 50

Слайд 12Tim is as tall as Tom.
142 cm
142 cm

Tim is as tall as Tom.TimTom142 cm142 cm

Слайд 13Similes

As American as apple pie
As big as an elephant
As black

as coal
As blind as a bat
As bold as brass
As boring

as watching paint dry  
As brave as a lion
As bright as a button
As busy as a bee
As cheap as dirt 
As clean as a whistle
As clear as mud
As clear as crystal
As cold as ice
As cool as a cucumber
As crooked as a dog's hind leg
As cunning as a fox
As cute as a bug's ear
As dead as a doornail
As wise as an owl
As tight as a drum
As timid as a rabbit
As tough as old boots
As useless as a chocolate teapot  
As warm as toast
As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
As white as snow

As nutty as a fruitcake
As old as the hills
As pale as death
As plain as the nose on your face  
As playful as a kitten  
As pleased as Punch  
As proud as a peacock
As quick as lightning
As quiet as a church mouse
As regular as clockwork  
As scarce as hen's teeth
As sharp as a razor
As sick as a dog
As silent as the grave
As slippery as an eel
As slow as molasses in January  
As sly as a fox
As smooth as a baby's bottom
As snug as a bug in a rug
As solid as the ground we stand on
As sour as vinegar
As steady as a rock
As stiff as a board
As sweet as pie
As tall as a giraffe
As thin as a rake

Read more at http://examples.yourdictionary.com/simile-examples-for-kids.html#SY31GB41YBj6fSxU.99

As deaf as a post
As difficult as nailing jelly to a tree
As dry as a bone
As dull as dishwater
As easy as ABC
As fit as a fiddle
As flat as a pancake
As free as a bird
As fresh as a daisy
As gentle as a lamb
As good as gold
As happy as a dog with two tails
As hard as nails
As heavy as lead
As helpless as a baby
As honest as the day is long  
As hot as blue blazes
As hungry as a bear
As innocent as a lamb
As large as life
As light as a feather
As long as a month of Sundays
As loose as a goose
As mad as a hatter
As mad as a hornet
As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs
As straight as an arrow
As strong as an ox
As stubborn as a mule

SimilesAs American as apple pieAs big as an elephantAs black as coalAs blind as a batAs bold

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