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Confusing words part V

inventdiscoverInvent means to design or create something that did not exist before.For example: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.Discover means to find out something existing but not yet known.For example: Columbus discovered America

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Слайд 1Confusing

part V

Confusing wordspart V

Слайд 2invent
Invent means to design or create something that did not

exist before.

For example: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

Discover means to find

out something existing but not yet known.

For example: Columbus discovered America but he did not explore the new continent.

inventdiscoverInvent means to design or create something that did not exist before.For example: Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.Discover

Слайд 3Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE.
Modern astronomers have invented a

million such galaxies.
The circulation of blood was discovered by Harvey.

discovered the electric light bulb.
A new-type stethoscope has yet to be invented.
William Herschel discovered Uranus in 1781.
Alexander Graham Bell discovered the telephone in 1876.
The Curies are best known for discovering radium.
She would invent any excuse to avoid seeing people.




Are the sentences TRUE or FALSE.Modern astronomers have invented a million such galaxies.The circulation of blood was

Слайд 4job
Job ( C ) is the paid work that you

do for an employer.

For example: I'm looking for a new


Work ( UC ) is an activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money.

For example: Do you want to go for a drink after work?

jobworkJob ( C ) is the paid work that you do for an employer.For example: I'm looking

Слайд 5Complete the sentences.
I often have to take ___________ home with

Betty is very pleased, she has got a new __________

It took me an hour to get home from _________ yesterday.
Gardening is tiring ____________ .
She’s stressed because she’s got problems at __________.
I’m trying to find a __________ for the summer.
She’s the best person for the ______________.
Come on! We’ve got a lot of ___________ to do.









Complete the sentences.I often have to take ___________ home with me.Betty is very pleased, she has got

Слайд 6kitchen
Kitchen is the place in a house or restaurant where

the cooking is done.

For example: She is in the kitchen

making a meal.

Cuisine is a style of cooking.

For example: I enjoy Italian cuisine.

kitchencuisineKitchen is the place in a house or restaurant where the cooking is done.For example: She is

Слайд 7Complete the sentences.
Many modern _________________ have a dishwasher.
They usually eat

breakfast in the _________________ .
We are having a new ________________

They do French regional _________________ at this bistro.
Sam went into the _____________ to make a pot of tea.
Indian ____________ is my favourite food.







Complete the sentences.Many modern _________________ have a dishwasher.They usually eat breakfast in the _________________ .We are having

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