Разделы презентаций

Culture as soft power

Soft powerPower - the ability to achieve one’s purposes or goals and the ability to get others to do what they otherwise would not doCommand–Coercion –Inducement –Agenda Setting –Attraction –Co-optive PowerCommand

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Culture as soft power

Culture as soft power

Слайд 2Soft power
Power - the ability to achieve one’s purposes or

goals and the ability to get others to do what

they otherwise would not do
Command–Coercion –Inducement –Agenda Setting –Attraction –Co-optive Power
Command Power - the ability to change what others do, can rest on coercion of inducement Hard power
Co-optive Power - the ability to shape what others want, can rest on the attractiveness of one’s culture and ideology or the ability to manipulate the agenda of political choices in a manner that makes actors fail to express some preferences because they seem to be too unrealistic Soft power

Public diplomacy

Soft powerPower - the ability to achieve one’s purposes or goals and the ability to get others

Слайд 3Soft power and hard power

Soft power and hard power

Слайд 4Soft power

Soft power

Слайд 5Soft power

Soft power

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