Разделы презентаций

English presentation A Visit to the Theatre NVK Dolinska gimnasium №3 From

VocabluaryDramasTragedies Theatre companiesBeforehandThe ticket booths The ticket box officesOpera glasses The theatre hall The orchestra pitGoes upA spectator Break into applauseThe intervalThe lights go up

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1English presentation
A Visit to the Theatre
NVK Dolinska gimnasium №3

Teacher: Sheremet T.V.
Pityuhina Elvira

English presentationA Visit to the Theatre NVK Dolinska gimnasium №3From 7-ATeacher: Sheremet T.V.Pityuhina Elvira 2014-2015p.

Слайд 2Vocabluary
Theatre companies
The ticket booths
The ticket box offices
Opera glasses

The theatre hall
The orchestra pit
Goes up
A spectator
Break into


The interval

The lights go up

VocabluaryDramasTragedies Theatre companiesBeforehandThe ticket booths The ticket box officesOpera glasses The theatre hall The orchestra pitGoes upA

Слайд 3Dramas


Слайд 4Tragedies


Слайд 5Theatre companies

Theatre companies

Слайд 6The ticket box offices

The ticket box offices

Слайд 7The ticket booths

The ticket booths

Слайд 8Opera glasses

Opera glasses

Слайд 9The theatre hall

The theatre hall

Слайд 10The orchestra pit

The orchestra pit

Слайд 11Goes up

Goes up

Слайд 12A spectator

A spectator

Слайд 13Break into applause

Break into applause

Слайд 14The interval

The interval

Слайд 15The lights go up

The lights go up

Слайд 16Text
A Visit to the Theatre

TextA Visit to the Theatre

Слайд 17 We have a beautiful in our city.

It is a modern building
situated not far from the

city centre. The visitors can enjoy watching dramas, tragedies and comedies there. Sometimes
theatre companies from other cities or countries perform their
opera and ballets on its stage.
We have a beautiful in our city. It is a modern building situated not

Слайд 18 The visitors usually buy tickets beforehand

in the ticket booth or in the ticket box offices.

The visitors usually buy tickets beforehand in the ticket booth or in the

Слайд 19 You can also take

opera glasses there. After that you fallow your way to

the theatre hall.
You can also take opera glasses there. After that you fallow

Слайд 20 The curtain is usually drawn and you

can’t see scenery before the performance starts. The orchestra pit

is next to the stage. This is where musicians sit and play the music.
The curtain is usually drawn and you can’t see scenery before the performance starts.

Слайд 21 The curtain goes up and you

become a spectator. If the spectator enjoy the performance, they

break into applause.
The curtain goes up and you become a spectator. If the spectator enjoy

Слайд 22The interval starts when the lights go up. The spectators

leave their seats and go to the buffet where they

can eat a cake and drink a glass of lemonade.
The interval starts when the lights go up. The spectators leave their seats and go to the

Слайд 23Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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