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Environmental protection measures taken by your city authorities

Environmental protection is a set of measures aimed at preserving the wealth of natural resources, reducing the negative impact of human factors on the environment, and preventing air, water, and soil

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Environmental protection measures taken by your city authorities

Environmental protection measures taken by your city authorities

Слайд 2Environmental protection is a set of measures aimed at preserving

the wealth of natural resources, reducing the negative impact of

human factors on the environment, and preventing air, water, and soil pollution.

Environmental protection is a set of measures aimed at preserving the wealth of natural resources, reducing the

Слайд 3Nature protection is assigned to special services: they monitor the

quality of the environment, collect information about sources of pollution,

and monitor the state of the soil, water, and atmosphere.

Nature protection is assigned to special services: they monitor the quality of the environment, collect information about

Слайд 4Environmental protection measures:
Wastelese technologies will Help reduce the level of

negative human impact and improve the environmental situation. Reducing the

amount of harmful industrial emissions due to a set of measures in the technological processes of processing raw materials and finished products.
Creation of special equipment and environmental protection enterprises for waste control and control.
Chemical and technological methods. A system of devices with communication flows installed between them, for processing raw materials into products.
Environmental protection measures:Wastelese technologies will Help reduce the level of negative human impact and improve the environmental

Слайд 7Passive ways:
cleaning water resources
measures to reduce noise

air purification from harmful gases
proper storage of

toxic and radiation waste
waste separation during recycling for recycling
Passive ways:cleaning water resources measures to reduce noise vibration ultrasound infrasound air purification from harmful gases proper

Слайд 11Active methods eliminate the source of negative impact. Before minimizing

the formation of harmful waste, it is necessary to assess

its level, concentration, and volume. State and government intervention is not enough. The acute problem of negative impact on the environment is the responsibility of the entire population of the earth. People should be aware of the principles of recycling and reuse of industrial waste. Be able to apply simple ways to preserve and protect the environment — planting trees, proper waste management, and avoiding motor transport.

Kozachenko Igor
Active methods eliminate the source of negative impact. Before minimizing the formation of harmful waste, it is

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