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Fauna of the place where I live

Pigeon A pigeon can often be found just walking down the street. It is not a very large bird, its wing length is 20-27 cm, and its weight ranges from

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Слайд 1Fauna of the place where I live
The presentation was completed:

Kostrov Andrey

Fauna of the place where I liveThe presentation was completed: Kostrov Andrey

Слайд 2Pigeon
A pigeon can often be found just walking down the

street. It is not a very large bird, its wing

length is 20-27 cm, and its weight ranges from 200 to 650 g. Its color is bluish. It feeds mainly on grain and grass
Pigeon  A pigeon can often be found just walking down the street. It is not a

Слайд 3Sparrow
A Sparrow is a bird that every person has met.

The appearance of a Sparrow is almost familiar to everyone

from childhood. This is a small bird, but the beak is quite massive. The color of the Sparrow is dominated by gray, light brown and dark brown tones. Each Sparrow variety has its own distinctive features. Sparrows feed on crumbs, various grains, insects, berries, fruits, and remnants of a human meal.
Sparrow  A Sparrow is a bird that every person has met. The appearance of a Sparrow

Слайд 4Swallow
Swallow length of the body is within 23 centimeters, the

weight is 17-25 grams. The wingspan is 25-30 centimeters. Swallow

spends almost all the time in flight, and it feeds on the fly. Hovering in the air with an open beak, the birds catch midges and insects, which are the main food. Also, swallows prefer bugs, grasshoppers, candles and dragonflies that are tasty for them.
Swallow  Swallow length of the body is within 23 centimeters, the weight is 17-25 grams. The

Слайд 5Cat and dog
A cat is a pet, one of the

most popular along with a dog. However, there are also

many stray cats and dogs running around on the street. A cat is a mammal that is a solitary hunter of rodents and other small animals. From a Zoological point of view, the dog is a placental mammal of the order of carnivores of the canine family. Mostly they are fed by people
Cat and dog  A cat is a pet, one of the most popular along with a

Слайд 6Thank you for watching my presentation

Thank you for watching my presentation

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