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Genetics as a science

PlanIntroductionGenetics What is genetics? About our organism (cells, DNA, RNA, chromosomes, protein) Genes Heredity3. Genetics as a science Cloning4. Conclusion

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Bezruckova Olga 10 “Б”
Genetics as a science

Bezruckova Olga 10 “Б”Genetics as a   science

Слайд 2Plan
What is genetics?
About our organism (cells, DNA, RNA,

chromosomes, protein)
3. Genetics as a science
4. Conclusion

PlanIntroductionGenetics What is genetics? About our organism (cells, DNA, RNA, chromosomes, protein) Genes Heredity3. Genetics as a

Слайд 3Genetics is a discipline of biology, the science of genes,

heredity, and variation in living organisms.

What is genetics?

Genetics is a discipline of biology, the science of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.What is

Слайд 4About our organism: cells
Cell is the basic structural, functional and

biological unit of all known living organisms.

About our organism: cellsCell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all known living organisms.

Слайд 5A chromosome is a structure of DNA, protein, and RNA

found in cells.
About our organism: chromosomes

A chromosome is a structure of DNA, protein, and RNA found in cells. About our organism: chromosomes

Слайд 6About our organism: DNA
DNA is a molecule that encodes the

genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all

known living organisms and many viruses.
About our organism: DNADNA is a molecule that encodes the genetic instructions used in the development and

Слайд 7About our organism: RNA
RNA is a ubiquitous family of large

biological molecules that perform multiple vital roles in the coding,

decoding, regulation, and expression of genes.
About our organism: RNARNA is a ubiquitous family of large biological molecules that perform multiple vital roles

Слайд 8Protein are large biological molecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one

or more chains of amino acid residues.
About our organism:

Protein are large biological molecules, or macromolecules, consisting of one or more chains of amino acid residues.

Слайд 9Genes
A gen is the molecular unit of heredity of a

living organism. It is used extensively by the scientific community

as a name given to some stretches of DNA and RNA.
GenesA gen is the molecular unit of heredity of a living organism. It is used extensively by

Слайд 10Heredity
Heredity is the passing of traits to offspring from its

parents or ancestor. This is the process by which an

offspring cell or organism acquires or becomes predisposed to the characteristics of its parents cell or organism.

HeredityHeredity is the passing of traits to offspring from its parents or ancestor. This is the process

Слайд 11Genetics as a science
Initially genetics studied General laws of heredity

and variability on the basis of phenotypic data.

Genetics as a scienceInitially genetics studied General laws of heredity and variability on the basis of phenotypic

Слайд 12Genetics as a science
The understanding of the mechanisms of heredity,

which are the roles of genes as elementary carriers of

hereditary information, the chromosome theory of heredity, etc. became possible with application to the problem of heredity methods of Cytology, molecular biology and other related disciplines.
Genetics as a scienceThe understanding of the mechanisms of heredity, which are the roles of genes as

Слайд 13Genetics as a science: experiment
At an institute of pharmaceutical engineering

Virginia, USA, scientists injected pigs with a human gene that

produces a protein called Factor VIII. The fourth generation of these pigs will possibly produce enough Factor VIII in their milk to supply the world’s demand.
Genetics as a science: experimentAt an institute of pharmaceutical engineering Virginia, USA, scientists injected pigs with a

Слайд 14Genetics as a science: cloning
Cloning is another important topic. From

a few cells scientists can produce cartilage. But in the

future we could clone and manipulate people.
Genetics as a science: cloningCloning is another important topic. From a few cells scientists can produce cartilage.

Слайд 15Our problem is always the same. People disagree about what

is ethical and what is not.

Our problem is always the same. People disagree about what is ethical and what is not.

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