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Guess My Job

Job 1I usually wear a white coat and hat.I have to get up very early in the morning.It is very warm where I work.I have to mix different ingredients together in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Guess My Job
SEN My Changing World

Guess My JobSEN My Changing World

Слайд 2Job 1
I usually wear a white coat and hat.
I have

to get up very early in the morning.
It is very

warm where I work.
I have to mix different ingredients together in my job.
Job 1I usually wear a white coat and hat.I have to get up very early in the

Слайд 3Baker
© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

Baker© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

Слайд 4Job 2
I wear a white coat and sometimes an apron.

cold where I work.
I am very busy at Christmas.
I need

to be very careful because I work with sharp knives.
Job 2I wear a white coat and sometimes an apron.It’s cold where I work.I am very busy

Слайд 5Butcher
© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

Butcher© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

Слайд 6Job 3
I wear an apron to keep my clothes clean.

am very busy on Valentine’s Day.
Some of the things I

work with smell nice.
I have to place things in water to keep them fresh.
Job 3I wear an apron to keep my clothes clean.I am very busy on Valentine’s Day.Some of

Слайд 7Florist
© Monkey Business – Fotolia.com

Florist© Monkey Business – Fotolia.com

Слайд 8Job 4
I sometimes wear a coat or an apron to

keep my clothes clean.
The things I work with are different

shapes and colours.
You may have to weigh some of the things I work with.
The things I work with are very good for you. (You should eat five of them a day.)
Job 4I sometimes wear a coat or an apron to keep my clothes clean.The things I work

Слайд 9Greengrocer
© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

Greengrocer© 2008 Jupiterimages Corporation

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