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Happy New Year ! Merry Christmas ! European and Russian traditions

Christmas - fairy tale for the adult and childrenChristmas is a religious holiday . On this day people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ .This holiday means the beginning of the

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas!
European and Russian traditions

Happy New Year!Merry Christmas!European and Russian traditions

Слайд 2Christmas - fairy tale for
the adult and children
Christmas is

a religious holiday . On this day people celebrate the

birth of Jesus Christ .
This holiday means the beginning of the new year and the new life.

Christmas - fairy tale for the adult and childrenChristmas is a religious holiday . On this day

Слайд 3Christmas Day is the greatest holiday in Europe and USA.

It is interesting to visit the shops before this holiday.

There are a lot of nice Christmas cards and presents there.
One of Christmas traditions is singing carols

Christmas traditions

Christmas Day is the greatest holiday in Europe and USA. It is interesting to visit the shops

Слайд 4Christmas symbols
Fireplace and
X-mas Bells

Christmas symbolsFireplace andstockingsX-mas Bells

Слайд 5Christmas Trees
and candles
Christmas symbols

Christmas Trees and candlesChristmas symbols

Слайд 6Santa Claus and his Reindeers
Christmas symbols

Santa Claus and his ReindeersChristmas symbols

Слайд 7And many, many Christmas gifts and presents!!!
Christmas symbols

And many, many Christmas gifts and presents!!!Christmas symbols

Слайд 8And what about Russia?
In Russia Christmas is not

too much popular like in the USA or Europe. In

our country the main holiday is New Year. We celebrate it on the 31st of December. Children wait for Ded Moroz and Snegurochka, who bring presents for them.
And what about Russia?  In Russia Christmas is not too much popular like in the USA

Слайд 9And what about Russia?
But we have our own

symbol of New Year and winter.
This is

a “Snow Man” – Snegovik. Children and adults like to make it very much!
And what about Russia?  But we have our own symbol of New Year and winter.

Слайд 10Thank you for attention – and Happy New Year!!!

Thank you for attention – and Happy New Year!!!

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