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HEAD/NECK IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesOverview Head/Neck I-IVHead I: Skull—a framework to hang onOverall organization of skullBase of the skull—the hard partDevelopmental viewCranial nerves out (to “targets”)Head II: Throat targetsHead

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Слайд 1Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
HEAD/NECK IV: Cranial Nerves

Special Sense Nerves
Somatic Motor Nerves
“Rest of body” nerves

Face and jaws
Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesHEAD/NECK IV: Cranial Nerves Special Sense NervesI,II,VIII Somatic Motor NervesEye—III,IV,VITongue--XII “Rest

Слайд 2Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Overview Head/Neck I-IV
Head I:

Skull—a framework to hang on
Overall organization of skull
Base of the

skull—the hard part
Developmental view
Cranial nerves out (to “targets”)
Head II: Throat targets
Head III: Special Sense targets
Head IV: Cranial nerves in depth
Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesOverview Head/Neck I-IVHead I: Skull—a framework to hang onOverall organization of

Слайд 3Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Nerve “targets” in head
Special General
Smell skin
Vision teeth
Hearing eye

nasal cavity
middle ear
Muscles Glands
eyes salivary
extrinsic sweat
intrinsic lacrimal
jaws mucous
facial expression

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesNerve “targets” in headSENSORYSpecial	GeneralSmell		skinVision		teethHearing	eye			tongue			oral cavity			nasal cavity			middle ear			throat			meningesMOTORMuscles	Glandseyes		salivary	extrinsic	sweat	intrinsic	lacrimaljaws		mucousfacial expressionlarynxtonguethroatear

Слайд 4Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Base of the skull—cranial

nerves out
Ethmoid (olfactory)
I. Olfactory
Sphenoid (optic)
II. Optic
III. Oculomotor
IV. Trochlear
VI. Abducens
Temporal (otic)

V. Trigeminal
VII. Facial
Throat (rest of body)
IX Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Spinal Accessory
XII. Hypoglosal
Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesBase of the skull—cranial nerves outEthmoid (olfactory)	I. OlfactorySphenoid (optic)	II. Optic	III. Oculomotor	IV.

Слайд 5Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Special Sense Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesSpecial Sense Nerves

Слайд 6Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
M&M, Table 14.3

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesM&M, Table 14.3

Слайд 7Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Somatic Motor Nerves (eye muscles

and tongue)

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesSomatic Motor Nerves (eye muscles and tongue)

Слайд 8Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 9Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 10Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 11Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
“Rest of body” nerves (all

exit from jugular foramen)

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves“Rest of body” nerves (all exit from jugular foramen)

Слайд 12Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 13Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 14Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
VII: Facial Nerve (exits cranial

cavity with VIII--internal auditory meatus)
Facial muscles (five branches fan out

over face from stylomastoid foramen)
“chorda tympani” (crosses interior ear drum to join V3 )
Taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Submandibular, sublingual salivary glands
Lacrimal glands
Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesVII: Facial Nerve (exits cranial cavity with VIII--internal auditory meatus)Facial muscles

Слайд 15Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 16Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
V: Trigeminal (3 nerves

in 1!)
V1. Ophthalmic
Exits with eye muscle group (superior orbital

fissure, through orbit to superior orbital notch/foramina)
Sensory to forehead, nasal cavity
V2. Maxillary
Exits foramen rotundum through wall of maxillary sinus to inferior orbital foramina)
Sensory to cheek, upper lip, teeth, nasal cavity
V3. Mandibular
Exits foramen ovale to mandibular foramen to mental foramen
Motor to jaw muscles--Masseter, temporalis, pterygoids, digastric
Sensory to chin
Sensory to tongue
Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesV: Trigeminal (3 nerves in 1!) V1. OphthalmicExits with eye muscle

Слайд 17Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves

Слайд 18Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial Nerves
Clinical tests for cranial

nerves with photos in clinic (New York U)
Cranial Nerve

Web Sites

NIce review of cranial nerves--includes clinical tests for nerves and cryptogram puzzle of nerves
(Washington U)

More detail cranial nerves, but some missing (Yale Medical)

Human Anatomy, Frolich, Head/Neck IV: Cranial NervesClinical tests for cranial nerves with photos in clinic (New York

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