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High tech gadgets Class Work

We are going to: - learn new words: high tech gadgets and their uses- read the text: profiles of people (matching)- talk about your favourite gadgets

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Слайд 1High tech gadgets

Class Work

High tech gadgetsClass Work

Слайд 2We are going to:
- learn new words: high tech

gadgets and their uses
- read the text: profiles of people

- talk about your favourite gadgets
We are going to: - learn new words: high tech gadgets and their uses- read the text:

Слайд 4Concept Wheel

Concept Wheelgadgets

Слайд 5You know that modern inventions are used in everyday life

and make it easier.
What are gadgets?
Why does a

modern man need them?
This is what we are going to speak about at our lesson.

The use of modern gadgets.

You know that modern inventions are used in everyday life and make it easier. What are gadgets?

Слайд 6

High Tech Gadgets
Look at the pictures. What are

their names?
High Tech GadgetsLook at the pictures.

Слайд 7Are you a techno freak ?
What kinds of gadgets do

you own?
What do you use it for?
What is your

favourite gadget?
What kinds of high tech gadgets would you like to have?
Are you a techno freak ?What kinds of gadgets do you own? What do you use it

Слайд 8New words
gadget-техническая новинка
device-прибор, механизм
techno freak-фанат

portable- переносной
software-программное обеспечение
equipment- оборудование

charge-заряжать (charge-заряд. устройство)
store information-хранить данные
up-to-date=modern -современный
New  wordsgadget-техническая новинка camcorder-видеокамера device-прибор, механизм digital-цифровой techno freak-фанат техники portable- переносной laptop-ноутбук headphones-наушники software-программное обеспечение

Слайд 9Guess
A camcorder digitally records pictures and sound.
A laptop stores

and deals with large amounts of information.
An MP3 player records

and plays music downloaded from the Internet.
A video mobile phone makes and receives video phone calls.
A PDA organises and stores information such as telephone numbers, addresses, etc.
A digital camera takes and stores digital photographs.
Guess A camcorder digitally records pictures and sound.A laptop stores and deals with large amounts of information.An

Слайд 10A radio cassette player plays music from the radio or

A Walkman® plays music through headphones, especially for use when

A dictaphone plays and records sounds, especially voices.
A TV broadcasts TV programmes with pictures and sounds.

A radio cassette player plays music from the radio or cassettes.A Walkman® plays music through headphones, especially

Слайд 11Give the English equivalents:
техническая новинка,
прибор, механизм,

программное обеспечение,
заряжать, заряд,


Give the English equivalents:техническая новинка, видеокамера, прибор, механизм, цифровой, фанат техники, переносной, ноутбук, наушники, программное обеспечение, оборудование,

Слайд 12Ex 1p 140 Complete the sentences, using the names of

the gadgets and the words below:
I would use a …

to …
record my lessons at school
tell the time
send a picture message to a friend
film a friend’s birthday party
listen to music
send emails
keep a record of my spending
watch a DVD
look up a friend’s address
edit my essay on the bus
do some Internet research for a project
show photos to my friends
burn songs onto a CD
listen to the news
plan my day/week

1 dictaphone
2 video mobile phone, PDA
3 video mobile phone
4 camcorder
5 laptop, MP3 player, radio cassette player,
6 laptop, PDA
7 laptop, PDA
8 laptop
10 laptop
11 laptop
12 laptop, digital camera, video mobile phone
13 laptop
14 video mobile phone, Walkman®, radio cassette player, TV
15 laptop, PDA

Ex 1p 140 Complete the sentences, using the names of the gadgets and the words below:I would

Слайд 13

High Tech Gadgets
I have got ____ .

I use _____ to __V__ .
High Tech Gadgets I have got

Слайд 14Ex.3a, p. 140 Reading
Sarah Tyson likes shopping and friends. I

think she couldn’t live without her mobile phone.
Andy Cooper likes

music and video games. I think he couldn’t live without his MP3 player and his computer.
Tina Appleby likes cinema and photography. I think she couldn’t live without her digital camera.
Ex.3a, p. 140 ReadingSarah Tyson likes shopping and friends. I think she couldn’t live without her mobile

Слайд 15Ex.3a, p. 140
1 Tina
2 Andy
3 Sarah
4 Andy

5 Tina
6 Andy
7 Sarah

Ex.3a, p. 1401 Tina 2 Andy 3 Sarah 4 Andy 5 Tina 6 Andy7 Sarah

Слайд 16Ex 3b Identifying pronouns within a text
… couldn’t organise my

life without it ― her mobile phone
… if I keep

calling them ― her parents
… good voice recorder on it ― his mobile phone
… listen to them ― university lectures
… ashamed to admit it ― the fact that he is hooked on his PlayStation 2®
… very keen on it ― his Playstation 2®
… change documents on it ― her PDA
It keeps my whole life together ― her PDA
… lost without it ― her PDA
… when I visited them ― her clients
… edit them using software ― home movies
… It’s a great pastime ― making home movies
Ex 3b Identifying pronouns within a textSarah:… couldn’t organise my life without it ― her mobile phone…

Слайд 17Ex 4 p 140 Identify the highlighted words throughout the

considering ― thinking about
handy ― convenient
hooked on ― addicted to

on ― interested in
on the move ― travelling
to the extent ― to the point
apart from ― other than
edit ― alter
Ex 4 p 140 Identify the highlighted words throughout the text:considering ― thinking abouthandy ― convenienthooked on

Слайд 18Read & Translate
I’m considering going on holiday to Paris this

Sarah lives near our school so it’s handy for her

in the mornings.
Helen is really hooked on tennis.
I’m not very keen on computers and I prefer reading.
The traffic is always terrible in August with all the tourists on the move.
I was very hungry yesterday, to the extent that I made a huge sandwich for myself when I got home.
Apart from playing computer games, I love soccer.
I always edit the photographs I take with my digital camera before I show them to people.
Read & TranslateI’m considering going on holiday to Paris this year.Sarah lives near our school so it’s

Слайд 19admit: confess; say something is true
device: a piece of equipment

that has been invented for a particular purpose, e.g. to

record or measure sth
social life: the time you spend with your friends enjoying yourself
techno freak: someone who is extremely interested in technology
voice recorder: a device that can record speech
university lectures: classes at university given by professors
ashamed: embarrassed
it goes without saying: it is obvious, clear
store: to save, keep
clients: customers, people you are working on behalf of
admit: confess; say something is truedevice: a piece of equipment that has been invented for a particular

Слайд 21Ex 1 p 165

Ex 1 p 165techno guaranteesoftwarepower chargedrecorderdigitalsocial

Слайд 22Ex 1 b
1 fully charged
2 social life
3 voice

4 digital pictures
5 guarantee certificate
6 computer software
7 solar power

techno freak
Ex 1 b1 fully charged 2 social life 3 voice recorder 4 digital pictures5 guarantee certificate6 computer

Слайд 23Ex 3
MP3 player, TV, digital camera,
radio cassette player, camcorder,
video mobile

phone, dictaphone,PDA, laptop

Ex 3MP3 player, TV, digital camera,radio cassette player, camcorder,Walkman®video mobile phone, dictaphone,PDA, laptop

Слайд 24My Favourite Gadgets
I can’t imagine life without my mobile phone.

I am always sending text and picture messages to my

friends. Without it I’d feel so alone. I’d also feel lost without my digital camera because I’m very keen on photography. It takes great photographs. I also couldn’t live without my MP3 player. I have stored all my music on it and I download new songs all the time. Without it I wouldn’t be able to listen to my favourite songs whenever I like.

My Favourite GadgetsI can’t imagine life without my mobile phone. I am always sending text and picture

Слайд 25Speaking gadgets

Speaking gadgets

Слайд 26 a letter
St. Petersburg
04. 05. 2019
Dear Ben ,

Hi ! How are you? Hope you are OK.

I’m fine . Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry I haven’t written for you so long, but I’ve been really busy with my exams.

In your last letter you asked me about ……\ I’d like to tell you about….\I’m writing to tell you about…..

That’s all (my news) for now ! I have to go now… Give my regards to your family. I’m looking forward to seeing\meeting you soon . Write me back . (Wish you were here.)

Best wishes\Yours\Love\With love ,


What do you know about high tech gadgets?
What gadgets have you got? What do you use it for?
What kinds of high tech gadgets would you like to have? Why?

Ask 3 questions about his hobbies

a letter St. PetersburgRussia04. 05. 2019Dear Ben ,   Hi ! How are you? Hope

Слайд 27Imagine that these photos from your photo album. Choose one

to present to your friend.

Imagine that these photos from your photo album. Choose one to present to your friend.

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