Слайд 1Incredible nature of Makeyevka
Слайд 2There is nothing better and dearer in the world than
Native Land. It gives us wings for flight, lights every
our step. It is impossible to choose Native Land. It can be only loved or treated indifferently . Unfortunately some people don’t have the sense of patriotism and feeling of pride. Is it possible to develop this sense?
Слайд 3Everyone manifests love for his native land in different ways.
For example, poets make poems about their beloved city, composers
write music, artists paint pictures, glorifying the city in this way leaving the memory of it for many years.
Слайд 4Everyone has the land where he has spent his childhood
in his heart because the best memories are connected with
that. No matter how old a person is, he always remembers some moments of his childhood, and together with them and the places where they happened in his favourite city. Moreover, this city is not necessarily to be the capital, the city-millionaire. It can be a quiet, deserted town, and at the same time the dearest one, as it involves a lot of pleasant experiences.
Слайд 5It is impossible not to draw attention to one of
the main landmarks of my city – The Centre of
Youth Creativity because it means a lot for most inhabitants of my town. Probably there is no such a person in the city who would not once drop in here. Here, children are engaged in various activities: dancing, drawing, learning foreign languages, modeling, singing, and many others. Various concerts and performances are regularly held here.
Слайд 6Makeyevka is one of the big industrial complexes of Donbass.
special place in my city is Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant, one
of the oldest in the region. It has been historically established that coal mining and metallurgy are the basic branches of industry in Makeyevka.
Слайд 7Утро. Люди спешат на работу
В суматохе житейских проблем.
Каждый день рвемся
мы на свободу
Отрешившись от мира систем
Из которых в одну паутину
правит привычная связь,
Каждый день превращая в рутину
Затянулась и крепко сплелась.
И в метро запах свежей газеты
Мы вдыхаем и жадно глядим,
На бумаге все ищем ответы
На вопросы - чего мы хотим?
Нами вновь управляет привычность...
Видим жизнь через свой монитор...
В серой массе - теряется личность
Словно в душу стреляя в упор.
Мы всегда говорим до свиданья,
Даже, если уйдем насовсем.
Растворяется наше сознанье
В суматохе житейских проблем.
Слайд 8Most people do not notice the beauty of the city
because of the daily routine. They think that Makeyevka is
grey, that there is nothing attractive in this industrial town. However, this is not the case.
Слайд 9Regardless of the season, the nature of the city fascinates
with its beauty.
Autumn is the most romantic and touching
season of a year. Nature seems to slow down preparing to cold winter. When we walk in the park, we find ourselves like in a golden kingdom. Leaves in the trees are painted in numerous shades of yellow, brown, orange and crimson. Even the lightest wind takes them into a wonderful dance of defoliation. In the morning you can enjoy rustle of leaves on lanes in the parks of our city .
Слайд 11In winter, everything is pure white, the trees are in
feather hats, snow glitters. It is magic time where you
can find yourself in charming fairytale due to the snow on the trees and buildings.
Слайд 12Many people like spring more than other seasons. It is
very pleasant to watch how nature awakens from the winter
sleep. How powerful and gentle those first sprouts are. The triumph of life takes place in blooming and blossoming. Returning birds and animals are busy with offspring are joining this symphony. Yes, springs is totally filled with life.
Слайд 14In the summer all the colors of the rainbow can
be seen in the streets, and the laughter of kids
is constantly heard. Summer is a beautiful season with long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is mostly fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. А great variety of brightly coloured odorous summer flowers all around feasts our eyes.
Слайд 15I love Makeyevka! This town is my homeland. Here I
was born and have been studying, I have got a
lot of friends. With Makeyevka I connect a lot of memories, because I've known it for almost eighteen years. There is just a feeling that I can not put it into words, but can only draw an analogy with the love of parents. After all, we do not like them for something, but simply for what they are.
Слайд 16Скажу тебе земляк,
Как другу:
Пройдя Макеевку по кругу,
Увидишь раз и
навсегда –
Бывают больше города.
Но чтоб милее – никогда!
А потому
– будь стар,
Будь молод,
Любя наследственный свой город,
Ты будешь счастлив
Вместе с ним!
На том стояли и стоим.
Евгений Кузьмичев